<Informal> [NA][A][PvE][Semi-Hardcore] MORNING EST

A bump for coffee

late night bumpin

BEER! We need more beer!

no! more wine!

pfffft, wine tastes like sour grapes. BEEER!

Pffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft, drinks with unsatisfying levels of energy. Ya’ll need Powerthirst!

Powerthirst, now there is a nostalgia trip

Are the raid times set in stone? Any flexibility to get it pushed to start at like 9am?

ya these are going to be the raid times, sorry mate

Bump for the guild

alright guys just got a few more people today, things are looking great :smiley:

biggest things in demand right now are pretty much all the ranged DPS

mages locks and hunters get your butts in here

Member in discord asked me to bump. He really wants some friends :nerd_face:

come join us if you want a week 3 rag kill, split runs, a great time and lots of loot

need more magessssssss

Could use more Mages and Druids. Even if you see a that other roles are in low demand, don’t be afraid to join. We want to reward anybody that give the effort for the guild.

We have enough paladins to give everyone their own personal BOP!

Bump for the stress test.