All classes are still open but they are beginning to fill up!
could still use some warriors in here boys
need another solid OT and some dps
This is the perfect time for me!
Is there room for another mage?
Plenty of room. I seem to be the only mage currently in the guild. Come join me brother! (sister?.. I donât judge, so donât judge me D=)
ya still plenty of room.
the guild should be almost full come server launch as we are like the only morning guild recruiting at the moment! hop on in and secure your spot.
Iâve been struggline to find raid times that fit my schedule! If you have room for a Warrior Tank/DPS im in!
ya definitely, surprisingly warriors is one of the classes i need most
Remember! Even if you have never played vanilla or Pservers before. As long as you are going to be a dedicated player to your class I want you!
We will be aiming to be a top quality guild. with full intent on clearing naxx and getting lots of T3 before BC
bump it up!
bring it iiiiin!
still looking for a dedicated OT!
bump bump 10 char
Bump for more raiders
more than half the roster is full! come and claim your position!
we have cheese and some crackers!
bring it in boys and girls!
raid would be starting right now! (on a mon/wed or thur) lol
How much wood would a Chuck Norris chuck, if a Chuck Norris cared about chucking wood?