Inflation is good for Classic Players

I gave detailed arguments why I think inflation in WoW is good.

You channeled your inner 90s black girl in response.

Great discussion.

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John Maynard Keynes thought inflation was bad? That is news to me. Keynes was all about deficit-spending to stimulate the economy. Keynes thought inflation was just fine because a little inflation would cause people to spend their money rather than sit on it, which would boost “aggregate-demand”.

The Austrians were all about “savings” and were opposed to inflation.

Even Milton Friedman was fine with inflation but wanted it to be low and static(which is one of the reasons Volcker came in and stopped the 10%+ inflation of the Carter administration and put in rules to keep inflation to 2-3%).


You spelled “poor” wrong.

I should have specified modern Keynsian economists. Good call.

Philosophy in that movement has changed extensively since JMK’s lifetime due to world events.

Edit: Simply put, inflation has proven to be pretty disastrous since it effects prices @ 100% value but NOT wages.

It’s pretty easy to see, and history has borne out, what that leads to.

The WoW economy is a reflection of this.

In my Dad’s day, a brand new sports car costed $6-7k. The average wage at that time was $20k/year.

Now the equivalent car would cost at minimum $50k, the average wage is $25-30k.

I think you can understand the disparity. This holds true for housing, and all other things.

Prices have skyrocketed over the last half-century. Wages have not.

Neither of those groups have ever proven anything.

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The economic data is widely available.

Try again.

Name one thing they’ve proven. Show your work.

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It is legitimate economic data.

I have nothing to prove to you and I don’t care what you think.

Reality simply is. You may accept it or not.

Data is not a proof.

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you probably shouldn’t waste your time replying to a level 10 character named supertroll

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Reality is, though.

People used to be able to spend 1/3 of their earning potential on things like a new mustang or Boss 302.

Now it takes 3.5 years worth of income.

Accept it or do not. It literally doesn’t matter.

…Good call, my guy :stuck_out_tongue:


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This might be bad for you but is it really bad for “the economy”?

Doesn’t it make people work harder for less and spend more money? Sounds perfect to me.

Gold is in game because it’s a currency brought over from dungeons and dragons. Someone is going to point to everquest, but everquest got it’s stuff from dungeons and dragons. Respec costs are in game not to force the player to grind but to make respec possible but also the selection of talents feel semi permanent. That method kinda failed because the prevalence of gold to farm and how min max people are had changed the thinking of how people play the game, but it doesn’t change the reasons for why things are how they are.

The only positive I can see from inflation is that players will be out in the world doing stuff because they can’t afford the AH.

But the negative is that because of the high prices some will be tempted to buy gold from gold farmers.

So there is no total net positive, it’s a mixed bag.

Not at all.

It makes them spend far more overall money on far fewer products from far fewer companies.

Thus there is less sales tax, less corporate profit, less corporate tax, fewer decent jobs, and fewer products and services being sold.

This is nakedly bad for the economy, inarguably so.

None of that is technically true. If they spend 50k on a car instead of 20k on a car and 30k on other “goods” it doesn’t reduce sales tax because you pay taxes on the car proportionate to the cost.

At best you could argue that it would lead to fewer jobs since there would be less money to buy other things, but obviously that isn’t what actually happens because the lower wages relative to inflation only affects poor people, the rich are making more money than ever. And they trickle-down their greater profits by buying services/goods from more people(especially illegal-immigrants).

Also, since poor people have to work harder to buy the overpriced goods, it means the poor people are making greater profits for the rich(the people who they effectively work for), so that trickling-down grows exponentially.

You seem to think “the economy” is your personal finances. The economy requires market-dependency, laborers, and consumers. And bottom-up economics doesn’t work, the real money is in luxuries. Poor people are worthless.

You did not address a single point that I made.

All you have to do is look at the percentage of people below the poverty line between, say 1960 and now.

The truth is clear.

There is no trickle down effect. This is a 40 year old argument that is transparently false by now.

Also, not everyone is rich or poor, it’s not binary. The middle class has done nothing but shrink for half a century. This is inarguable fact.

Also, if poor people have the quality you say, then why does McDonald’s make more money than any 3 other restaurants in the world combined?

Careful with your insults.

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wow. brilliant.

well then most people are doing it wrong