And this is why they should have never changed the “body types.” It solved literally nothing, and opens them up to a bottomless pit of now-legitimized complaints like this one.
Why only 2 body types? That’s not representative at all.
Blizzard satirizes themselves with things like this…
If they really cared, they’d do more than just change icons LOL.
Even with the women thing, no one complained about the pics in game, or sexy mogs. How about you stop abusing the women irl Blizz? They don’t care about revealing pics and changing them into fruit bowls in a game, they want you to stop sexually harassing them irl lmao.
There’s still an item in the game called gypsy sandals, which is kind of weird. I mean, I don’t have a problem with it, but it isn’t consistent with today’s woke blizz.
I read this thread and immediatly needed a safe space to recover in…
I wanted to hide in Azeroth, but the servers were down and then I realized that this thread is stating Azeroth was not a safe space any more…
I don’t know what to do…
Someone said to go ‘outside’, but I’m worried its not safe either…
Now I am sitting here starting at the screen afraid to move…