Incentives to transfer

I made a character on Arcanite Reaper to check its popularity and to decide whether or not to transfer. At a busy time not even 50 ppl in Org… An auction house scan came up with not even 6k items, whereas my server has 25-30k.

The only way this problem is going to be fixed is to offer discounted subscription cost for transferring maybe temporarily. Increase the discount until those servers fill up, no one wants to move to a server with 0 population. Maybe a premium to play on a high pop server also (makes sense to charge more for high demand server, but would probably piss ppl off lol)

I would love to move to Arcanite Reaper but don’t want to be stuck on a server that is dead.

You’re bugging.


Arcanite reaper would have been a full server during vanilla at its current population levels… just sayin


There will be plenty of incentive to transfer, when p2 starts and the dominating faction can’t find people to kill, to rank up.

I am on AR, the server is fine. Guilds raiding, wpvp, 5mans, the AH doesnt have a ton on it because the % of people at level 60 is still lower than most servers and what people are finding they are holding on to or using.

AR has been growing steadily since I came over on the first xfer from Whitemane.

In a couple months it will be a perfect server of old vanilla days. Horde and Alliance all know each other and communicate on discord to set up wpvp, you can freely move in the world without corpse running every time you land somewhere, and if you want pvp you know the areas to go to get it.

Not having cross-faction BGs would give an incentive, since being on an outnumbered faction would mean instant queues. Just sayin, yet another reason cross faction BGs are a bad idea.


You’re pretty much on the nose on this one…

Your RP are calculated based off of factional standing so population like that isn’t super relevent as all members of that faction would have an equally difficult time.

I’m holding out for a pony.

Dying more

The strongest incentive for stacked factions to disperse would be faction ratio queues. But that repeatedly gets shouted down by those who cannot hack not having overwhelming numbers.

I’d xfer my 60 Warrior to Arcanite Reaper in a heartbeat, but I’m stuck on Loatheb and Blizzard keeps saying “Too bad, make a new character.” I’d PAY to get the hell off Loatheb, but they are just telling me to go pound sand.

Faction queues are incoming prepare yourself.