Incentives to pick an alliance Alt

ive heard theres a huge rp ring of vulpera and worgen going to the goldshire tavern together

sadly that wont happen though

Yea, I see some large gatherings of cross faction RP quite a bit on WrA.

The other night I was leaving my order hall saw about 50 people from both factions hanging outside Lights Hope.

thats always so funny to me, its not like they can actually talk to eachother right?

It has for the longest time. I think the only decent looking set is the Firelands Tier for hunters.

Ardenweald Mail Set
Venthyr Mail Set
Kyrian Mail Set

These look very promising

Not sure how it works, I believe they use 3rd party means to translate. Would be a lot easier if communities were cross faction

Isn’t there a “we are sorry we broke your addon that actually brought the community together in a way we could never figure out how to do” potion?

agreed for sure

oh were we not talking about high elves again? my bad i thought we were

In my opinion they have to give us more interesting races for new players.

When a new player starts, this is how he goes in the character selection screen depending on what he wants:

Pretty Character: Horde
Monster-like Character: Horde
Evil Character: Horde
Good Character: Alliance

The Alliance needs to check more boxes.

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… It’s called the Elixir of Tongues and it’s available from Fizzi Liverzapper who’s in Dalaran’s Underbelly.

Oh we were, we very much were, with malice aforethought to be sure.

no its more like “i wonder what race i can be, lets look at the alliance. i can be… a humna… a short but fat human… a miniature human… a taller but still fat human… a werewolf oh thats cool… but hes also just a human with dog powers… oh elves those are neat oh but the horde elves looks o much prettier” like… i mean cmon its not hard to see why the horde is more astehtically pleasing

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I play Alliance because my friends who raid play Alliance. Otherwise, I’d be a goblin b/c OMG they are the most fantastic and funny race in the game.

I have a Vulpera rogue now, too, and the racials are just…wow. Yeah, I’d be Horde in a heartbeat if not for my friends staying blue team.

Forsaken, too, although it would be nice if they could stand up straight. The Forsaken NPCs stand up straight, so it flummoxes me that we don’t have that option as PCs.

lmao oh ok good

what will make alliance 75% compared to horde is removing blood elves, and putting high elves on alliance

why does everyone keep mentioning these highe lves we wont ever get to play as

it’s a joke, fur brain

yea the joke is we wont get them despite the fact we should

Blizz should buff alliance racials by 20% haste, 5% increased damage to beasts and humanoids, 10% increase damage to bosses in raids, ya know, kinda like the op racials that the horde have historically had for the past 10 years that made all the top alliance guilds go horde.

Why remove blood elves? Let them have nice things.