Incentives to pick an alliance Alt

That’s not gonna be possible. Heritage sets belong to their respective races.

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Ion said population-wise its pretty balanced. Instead of trying to tune the balance around the top 1%, Alliance should push their roleplay identity.

You know Ion is lying when his lips are moving. Can’t recall the last time that lawyer said anything honest.


waaaa i thought you could put them on anyone
well gdamnit

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I’d love to one day be a big hearty Kul Tiran Mage. Which is why in the meantime I’m going with the closest option.

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Good for you! I hope that I get to see you around!

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welp there goes the idea of lvling that idc about worgen enough to keep the character beyond unlocking an outfit for my vulpera
back to the horde i go

Sadly no. How amazing would have been for me to make my Dwarf look Wildhammer with some of the Tauren Heritage pieces (those eagle shoulders!)

But that would also be cross-faction, so it’s a huge dream to have.

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but think of the vulpera in that dapper worgen armor. thats so adorable. plus that armor could be used to make any race look fancy af its easily the best looking heritage gear as far as fasion and thats why i was gonna take the time to unlock it.
but knowing it cant be put on anyone theres just no point

i was even gonna lvl a tank so all those allaince player get thier tanks and a decent one to
but noooo blizzard had to make them race spoecific

Good news is there will be a trenchcoat lookit outfit in SL that is not tied to race. I believe the Leather set from the new raid. Looks amazing and very Van Helsing. Has a top hat too.

need that for sure

Nothing. Nothing at all. I am super excited about Shadowlands, but I was hoping for a Civil War expansion after that, to be honest.

i really hate mail armor it looks like poop. mail just needs to go away so i can dress up my hunter

I don’t think you can really force or entice people to either faction. Sure new races help, and let’s be honest the only race that would ever sky-rocket Alliance population is never going to happen.

And if it did it would start the greatest flame war these forums have ever seen. Either you like the theme or you don’t. Or you play for gameplay and you just follow the numbers.

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i mean theres not really even a reason to join one faction or the other for numbers unless you are planning to be an elitist. otherwise it should just be preference
elitists join the horde, but thats only like 5% of players x3

i 100% am playing horde for the vulpera rn. i will never play another race unless a better one comes out

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Well, step one is cutting down the fat. Kul Tirans need a revamp. Step two is ridding the mechagnomes of the curse of the flesh.

ewww mechagnomes

I mainly play Alliance because i’m an RPer and I find that Alliance has better themes and locations and whatnot for that to be more fun.

But of course I do have 1 Horde toon for collection and story. Anyone can play both, but I think most people do gravitate to maining one side and alting the other.

You know, when the Horde had a population problem, they got Blood Elves.

Now what could make alliance look more appealing… hmmm… I just… hmmm…

I’m sure if I think about it long enough the answer will come to me.