In what world did buff beastmaster to the moon sound good

Uh OH!

It’s that time of night again. :wink:

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Oh ive been complaining about mm damage …since bfa prepatch. Mm sholdnt be at the top of all classes. Maybe top 5. But it should absolutely and drastically be at the top of the hunters when they can cast. Currently if i sat on a dummy next to bm id be getting blown out. And thats not even close to ok.

Why isn’t it okay?

Yea whats new is they are blowing out nearly every dps spec in the game…while having that ability.

It’s the back on the ole train regarding BM and the recent DPS numbers posted for the new raid.

Chew, Chew!

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Because mm damage isnt auto attack or through pets. Mm cant cast while moving. The easiest class to play in the game is bm hunter and r now they are doing more damage than most everyone.

Excuse me? What else have I complained about.

I still don’t see how it’s not okay for BM to finally be relevant again. lol

Why should the easiest class to play in the game ever be doing anywhere close to anything else…let alone more. This is upside down world.

That’s really funny. Also, no one is going to take the self hating hunter more seriously just because it throws another spec under the bus. MM is also a brain dead spec


BTW, you don’t need to switch between your Evoker and your Hunter, OP.

Why not? Just wait until everyone gets their 4 set and it’ll settle down.


mad because a BM beat them on damage meters.


By that logic every class is brain dead. However not by that logic…by the fact of the matter…bm is the only class in the game that can cast their full rotaion while moving. That in and of itself is a massive buff over everyone and should never be doing close to the most damage. Outside of very situational pulls.

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Everyone should be mad the only class that can cast full rotaion while moving …and the easiest class to play…is doing any damage close to them. Sounds like you are mad someone is calling attention to your meme spec fotm and you mad to see it go away.

So, the perk of BM is doing what Evoker can do without a CD. This puts them in mechanics duty, and has for this reason since forever

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BM are literal glass cannons right now. Considering the fact that they don’t really bring anything to the groups their join. ( I don’t consider “Hunter’s Mark” to be that useful. ) Why shouldn’t they be doing more damage to balance things out?

Besides, whenever a fight requires a player to do a mechanic, BM hunters are the best. You should be thankful.


O no no no my friend. That puts ALL hunters in that boat because most groups have no clue the differences between hunters. Its f awful.

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My condolences. If it makes you feel better, people always assume I’m a MM and try to lock me down with a disarm :dracthyr_lulmao:


Um no? Bm have spirit beast. Also mail armor. Im absolutely not thankful because i know how nearly every dps spec plays. And i know BM is doing seriously nothing compared to anyone else and blowing the place up. Also I have played this xpack (and most all others) with multiple different guilds each raid teir. None of the leads are exclusively picking bm hunters to run mechanics. Last raid tier in 8 different guild groups…1 had hunters soaking big soak on 2nd boss. And that was all hunters not just bm.

It’s the most used spec in the game, makes sense to make it competitive :man_shrugging:t3:

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