In terms of Lore, what Race do you think best fits each Class?

You forgot Master race Orcs. we came here, put up tents. We are still living rent-free in Azeroth ? Watchu you gonna do ? :popcorn:

Goblin lore fits all classes.
Warrior - Protection Racket Enforcers
Shaman - RUSToration / WELDmental
Hunter - BM (Battle Mechanicals) SV & Marks
Rogue - Sub. Assassination & Outlaw
Priest - Televangelist (All three specs)
Mage - Pyro & Frost
Warlock - Used Mount Salesman (All three Specs)

Monk - Don King Managed Boxer (All Specs)

Paladin - Televangelist Collection Plate Enforcers (All Specs)

Demon Hunter - Arms Warrior with Goblin Glider.

Evoker - Enchance Shaman in Caster Gear with Goblin Glider.


Orc: shammy/warrior
Tauren: totem warrior/druid
Troll: priest/hunter/shadow hunter/spear chukka
Forsaken: rogue/lock/dk/lich
blood elf: rogues/mages
Goblin: auction house bot/bank alt/max engineering/booty bay bouncer
Vulpera: critter
ZTrolls: witch doctors but never paladins

Humans: anything
Dwarf: warrior/hunter/rogue
Night elf: males Druids/rogues, females warriors/hunters
Gnomes: max engineering/exiles reach voice actors
Draenei: mages/priest but warlocks if the evil version
Kulā€™tiran: swimming form druid, max fishing, sailors
Worgen: warriors/rogues then some kinda battle warlock with wolf style summons

Nothing! As you said, youā€™re in tents. The rent should be cheap.

Wow this panda is fat.

Lucky if I donā€™t roll you down a never ending hill, tubby. Now shut up and go farm with the tillers.

Honestly, I feel like Priest is the hardest class to really find a ā€œfitā€ for.

Because like I said, Iā€™m looking for something that fits ALL of their specs. And honestly, something that would make sense to be at the helm of their Class Hall, as well. Even though I know a ā€œPriestess of Eluneā€ is an iconic archetype in Warcraft, I canā€™t really see a Night Elf Priest throwing around Void-based abilities of Shadow, either.

Druid: Night Elf
Shaman: Orc/Tauren
Warrior: Orc
Paladin: Draenei/Human
Priest: Human
Rogue: Worgen
Warlock: Gnome/Orc/Forsaken
Mage: Nightborne
Monk: Panda
Death Knight: Blood Elf/Human
Hunter: (If bow) Female Night Elf/Belf, (if gun) Dwarf.

There seems to be default class for each race now in char creator.

Am I the only person that was excited for Tauren rogues?

Oh and I primarily play Pandaren, they are quite cute and bouncy but I do have a HMT Rogue and a Vulpera hunter

DI dwarves just look so cool as mage with long white beard and their glowing eyes. I think ill make 1 since never really had a mage. Otherwise on horde side i would choosr undead

Shaman - orc/ draenei
Hunter - dwarf with bear / troll with raptor
Druid - night elf / tauren
Paladin - LFDraenei / blood elf
Monk - panda
Warrior - tauren / human
Rogue - goblin / worgen
Warlock - void elf/undead
S.Priest - void elf/undead
Healer Priest - dreanei/ troll
DK - mechagnome / undead
Evoker and DH are just obviousā€¦

I boiled down to two iconic classes for some races. Some races has its obvious examples of warriors thoughā€¦

Orc Warlock /Shaman.
Goblin Rogue/Warlock
Human Paladin/ Mage
Tauren Warrior/Shaman
Night Elf Druid/ Holy Priest
Troll (S)Priest/Shaman
Vulpera Rogue/Hunter
Gnome Arcane Mage/ rogue
Blood Elf Paladin/Mage
Pandaren Monkā€¦
Draenei Paladin/Priest
Worgen Warrior?
Undead Mage/Warlock
Dwarf Hunter/Paladin

Shamans should be humans - they are really in the current lore and exist in the real world in many cultures, even now

Based on the first race known to pick up the class.

Warrior: Iā€™d say troll just because theyā€™re the oldest mortal race we know of.

Paladin: Draenei became paladins many thousands of years before humans even evolved.

Death Knight: Orc if you include gen 1. But if you only include the gen 3 ā€œmodernā€ death knight than human.

Hunter: Again this has to go to troll out of principle of being the oldest known mortal race.

Shaman: Hard to determine for sure but Iā€™ll go with orc.

Rogue: Itā€™s kind of hard to define a rogue since it encompasses many different concepts. The first known pirates of azeroth were humans but thatā€™s only one kind of rogue. This I think is objectively the hardest to nail down.

Monk: Draenei if you include all forms of martial artists. Pandaren if you only include Pandaren style of being a monk.

Demon hunter: Super easy the class and fighting style was literally invented by a night elf.

Druid: Technically it may have been invented by the wild gods or green dragons but the first ā€œmortalā€ race to utilize it was Night elves. Unless gonk has been giving out druidism for longer but if thatā€™s the case that would make it a retcon.

Mage: Perhaps Draenei. They used and abused arcane magic for a long time and attracted the legion much like Azshara did.

Warlock: Ah yes, my controversial take. Night elves. I know night elf warlocks arenā€™t playable, but night elves were the first race known to enslave demons to them without joining the burning legion. However, if weā€™re only going to include playable races than perhaps humans or gnome. Gnome ancient history isnā€™t very well known but theyā€™ve seen to have mages and warlocks for awhile and have a neutral view on demon binding. I am unsure when either had their first warlock however.

Priest: Another difficult one because what exactly a priest is, well vague and changes based on culture. Taking the vaguer approach, Iā€™d say priests belong to troll as troll worship of loa is as long as their over 20,000+ years of history. If we only mean priests of the holy light most likely Draenei.