But really… Would it be so difficult to change the requirement to unlock flying? I mean sure keep the general Revered and exploration requirement but then I don’t know maybe require us to get a second or third character to level cap to unlock account wide flying. I think that more then assures we have experienced and seen the content if we went and leveled a few alts threw it.
My problem is waiting for Pathfinder Part II to even be doable. Sure when the expansion launches I might find myself taking a few days off of work but that most certainly isn’t going to happen for the patch that lets us complete Pathfinder Part II.
Look I have no Problem with Pathfinder as a concept. My problem is with the placement of the goal post to complete it. It isn’t realistic, forces us to do content we may not want to do, and it is time gated. Honestly I was fine back in the day just having to buy my flying unlock.
Lol Pathfinder has been in the past three expansions and was said to be the compromise between letting players fly and what the devs want in their game, and OP is here all shocked Pikachu face because they can’t believe their opinion isn’t being catered to 100%.
And you’re blithely ignoring the SEVEN YEARS flying mounts were in the game without any complaints. Then during Warlords, a subset of players who were either griefers or mentally ill started complaining that merely seeing players on flying creatures “upset their sense of immersion”, so they started campaigning to have all flying removed from the game.
Demands from the devs to see all of their wonderful content wasn’t even a part of the equation until much later, perhaps to masquerade the ridiculous demands of the anti-flying crowd.
I’m not ignoring anything, you are. People did complain, and the devs have said that flying was, in their opinion, beginning to make the game feel smaller.
By the way, if the devs really wanted to force us to “experience their content”, they wouldn’t allow dungeon leveling. BC was such a joke that as soon as Dungeon Finder arrived during Wrath, I leveled all of my alts past it merely by grinding dungeons.
And now I’m doing the same with alts that didn’t even participate in Warlords or Legion because I quit when flying was taken from us. Timewalking dungeons are the absolute best, because with rest and Heirlooms you can get a level from each dungeon, and a chance at some relatively high-level gear.
Not really. I’m actually leveling faster now in dungeons than back in Wrath. Probably because of the heirlooms, which they won’t remove because they’re such a gold sink.
And the heirlooms let me get to 120 very fast as well, so as soon as I got to friendly with the big three, I stopped “experiencing their content”.
I don’t actually believe this, sorry. Dungeon leveling was heavily nerfed a while back, then readjusted. It’s not what it used to be. Questing is the faster way now.
I agree with you but I also am an immersion fan, until the content is explored then fly fly away.
I couldn’t imagine flying on day one. I really love hoofing it, forces you to explore. In fact (looks around) they should force you to dismount when you get to a town and allow NO MOUNTS when you’re in the village proper.
Then why don’t YOU take an alt into Timewalking dungeons and see how quickly they level. Yes, the xp per kill is pretty small, but the xp reward for finishing is about 80% of a level. I was quite amazed to see one whole level per dungeon.
As I’ve said before, these anti-flying folks are either mentally ill or griefers. Flying had been in the game seven years, and suddenly one day they decide it’s bothering them so much that it has to go?
Mental illness.
I didn’t even do much with Legion, but my pally wound up with a quest to return a shield to the other end of the continent, I can’t delete it even though he’s 120, and when I actually did try to ride across the continent just to get rid of the quest, the landscape is such a mess and the map is such a lie that I got lost or killed so many times–EVEN AT 120!–that I just gave up in frustration.
And I’m sure the anti-flying nutjobs think that’s hilarious.
Actually the game isn’t fine without flying apparently with all the travel gimmicks introduced and scrapped every expansion since WoD.
In fact shadowlands introduces travel gimmicks that trample on my class fantasy as a rogue with vanish + sprint.
I don’t think that is fun or interesting. But having flight unlocked for all is far more better for the questing structure to function.
Basically people that argue the game is fine without flying don’t understand the current game reward/time structure.
The current questing system as preach pointed out in BFA beta is designed with flying in mind. So when it is gated for X amount of time people feel that the time investment does not meet that level of reward.
That was the big problem with WoD in that time/reward structure was off kilter Ironically they are bringing back WoD fill bar quests for patch 8.3 because they have nothing else left in the creative tank.
Yes they do, and have in huge numbers, why do you think no flying was and I assume still is on the exit quiz, you were obviously not here for the exodus in WOD
Please tell me which expansion you could fly out of the gate?
You had to play the game in order to get to max level, and it shouldn’t matter if its in dungeons or in the world, as its all content designed by said people.
Being available from day one means at least a month till people fly, you still have to grind the rep and explore etc.