In shock, Ion said NO FLYING, and PATHFINDER AGAIN

Chinese farming operations always cornered those markets. Besides, Blizz can always adjust the spawn frequency for those herbs to drive up prices.

As for your previous points. I am the opposite. I was always one who did pathfinder before there was a pathfinder. Sometimes on multiple characters. Now that they made it a requirement though, I despise doing it. Before it was my choice and it was fun to some degree because of that, however, now that it is manditory, it’s less like a part of the game and more like work for me.

Ps. I suspect someone will quote me saying it’s mandatory and counter saying nothing about the game is mandatory.


Honestly why doesnt J Allen Brack just pull rank and remind the development team what their first priority should be to the players because if players are unhappy they will leave along with their $$$ and when the shareholders start asking why theyre not seeing a return on their investments or their share prices are dropping they wont be happy either and it wont be Watcher they hold accountable oh no theyll be after HIS head

If any corporation stocks start to tank sure the underlings will likely end up on the unemployment line but the execs are the ones that will typically being held financially responsible for the monetary losses

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You aren’t aware of J Allen Brack’s history are you…

What’s the point in arguing with you?

You have your opinion and I have mine.

I no longer feel anger, just pity.

Pity? That’s just silly. From where I see it you’d rather take away people’s fun than just stay on the ground and continue to play the way you claim is more fun.


Pity because I carefully explained why flying is detrimental to the game.

Alone, it’s not game breaking, but when coupled with the existing systems, it becomes a major factor to the decline of the game.

Which is a shame because I do, so, love this game.

Flying is convenient; which is why I like it. The lazy part of me loves soaring over the problems and inconveniences below.

The fact that the nasties below have been degraded to, “inconveniences,” is another part of the problem.

The effortless world quests… the lackluster rewards… the RNG attached to some of the rewards.

The decline of the game is not solely because of the antisocial behavior of flying; but rather as a result of 1,000 cuts.

Over the last decade and a half I’ve found plenty of decisions I didn’t particularly agree in WoW. At no point have I found one so egregious that I would refuse to buy a whole expansion.

I’m sorry to hear that no flying kills the whole expansion for you. Glad to hear that you’re staying subbed. I often spend a lot of time cleaning up little things in the previous expansion before moving on to the new one. I’ll be sure to say hi!

No one needs flying…

-Doesn’t want flying.

Found the PVP player!


I agree, although I wouldn’t mind pathfinder if they didn’t take so long to release it. I had several characters maxed level and Exalted rep on all of the reps and still had to wait several months for pathfinder. I only play a couple of hours a day.

Ok cya, flying ruins the game. I wish it was never introduced because people like you cry about it every expansion…

OMG it is less convenient for you in a game where everything is easy and convenient for you to get as it is. Before you or anyone calls elitest or toxic. I have no problems with LFR or any other crazy casual content because everyone deserves to see the story regardless of play time. Once my wife and I have our first in April I’ll be extremely casual. I won’t be able to push IO and raid on a schedule. I’ll likely do LFR so see the bosses and know the story.

The art department is the ones who have been carrying this game for a long time. I am so sorry you can’t fly over the beautiful world they created while watching YouTube on your second monitor.

You would probably enjoy this game a lot more if you took the time to enjoy the little details and nuances this game has to offer. Rather than demanding they just give you flying. I bet that if they give you flying from the get go you will complain the world feels empty lol

it’s empty because it is empty. They have to gate flying so hard and so long because otherwise people would complete the paltry amount of content and take their money away. Pathfinder lets them get people to do the paltry amount of content over and over and over, remaining subbed the entire time, giving Blizzard that sweet sweet money. Maybe not reward Blizzard’s laziness?


No it isn’t, being on the ground makes you so immersed in the world. Plus Running into people, skirmishes with alliance, seeing the detail in the world. For the record bfa was a joke in the way on content. Legion had amazing long stories and quest lines. Flying would of completely ruined that. They only expansions that needed flying was wrath and bc. They made flying required to get to areas, maybe cata I didn’t play then but the cata added zones are goofy location wise

I run into people when flying. I was once asked by an alliance to land so they could put bunny ears on me for the Noblegarden achievement. Took a bit to find a spot to land, and we couldn’t exactly speak the same language, but I figured out he wanted me to land and decided to take the risk that he wasn’t trying to duel. Flying made that possible.

I will tell the story of the Turtle again. There’s a turtle loa in Nazmir, who was killed and hollowed out and we quest right on into it. From the ground, it’s a blurry hilly thing, inside it’s a blurry cave that kinda looks like a turtle’s insides, and from around the sides it’s a blurry hilly thing with projections very much like the roots coming off the trees nearby. Someone gave me a ride to fly around the turtle, and HOLY @#$% I hope the poor thing was dead swiftly! I could only see the true scope of the horror wreaked upon this poor turtle FROM THE AIR.


I am happy you had those interactions but I can assure you that more of those would happen if we are all grounded. Flying allows you to gloss over the world and the chance if those interactions happening are much more likely when we are stuck on the ground

A side note, I got my Nobel garden achievement making a alt in moon guard and making a lfg group and hopping my main in legion. I am not into RP but their transmogs were amazing lol

He should of let reality set in, realized 2 expansions is enough of the same failed system, and at least made a gesture acknowledging the vast majority of people want a change in Pathfinder.

Instead he lives in a world of denial self evident in his response. Time for a change in leadership.


The irony though is that I will probably get all my alts that have been parked at level 70 and so on, I will level them up to level 50 because I admit questing through 7 expansions seems too daunting, but if each of them just picks one expansion to level through, that’s great they can get to max level easy.

I’d say you get a better appreciation of the art team’s work from the sky.


Flying doesn’t ruin content. You still have to land in order to do the content. I fail to see how flying would ruin something you’d have to be on the ground to do anyway.

Also wpvp is a joke. Blizzard had to bribe players with heroic level raid gear just to try to increase participation. This was before flying was available.


Yes WOD Pathblunder sucked… But Legion and BFA where not bad. I have it admit it seems odd that at one time we could just hit max level and pay gold to start flying. Just to take it away. I would prefer to have more consistency… But hey its WoW! LOL

That said I dont mind pathfinder, but the reasons given seem more selfish on the part of the devs. The excuse we have been given is that they want us to experience the world they created… I answer to that is “the sky is the limit”. Stop making all the content at ground level!

Now personally at a lore level I think it would be fitting to hit max level and hit exalted with each the factions to fly in their respected zones. Past that point it feels more meaning less. IMHO…

Also, makes no sense not to be able to fly in the older zones period… cough WoD cough

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