In shock, Ion said NO FLYING, and PATHFINDER AGAIN

Just get rid of pathfinder part 2 and have flying unlock the instant part 1 is completed.

I found a clip of the video of Blizzcon where Ion enjoyed being booed on the stage

Flying, How is it gonna work in shadowlands?
A: (ion shrugs, looking bored and uncaring)
"Same way it’s worked in all expansions "
Crowd starts loudly booing, one soft yoo that quickly dies.

Ion starts laughing and giving a uncaring look at the crowd
“The mix of the chorus of Boos and applause is why we came to this compromise because if it annoys enough people. (Ions eyes start darting and a slime eating grin appears), if it annoys everyone a little bit, This is a contentious issue. it’s better than flying versus not.”


Honestly can’t stand this dude


I dont think that is legit laugh like when being told a joke and you lmao or rofl it… its more of a nervous grin or like saying to himself: (sigh… see? :D… I knew it, its a mix of pro and anti flyers, boos and applauses)
How else would he react? Hes in front of a lot of people and in front of cameras so he tries to stay neutral even though he knows the community is definitely divided in this topic.
Lets not forget anti flyers are likely world pvprs who applause him and pro flyers who are more likely pvers who boo him. He decided to be in the midle ground between them.
He thinks the boos means people were expecting news like flying unlocked but he knows he cant just do that when there are people who applauded him.
It is clear though that at the beginning of his answer he does look somewhat annoyed. Like omg not this topic again…, like hes a little tired of it.
Its going to be 4 expansions now with this issue and you know maybe its not that easy when half the people support him and the other half disaprove him…
now that i think about this, if there werent people who were againt flying, then flying woulda have stayed the same to begin with but people complained too much and this is the result.
Least he can do is be open to more suggestions alternatives but i guess he doesnt think there are any which is completely false…

Well he could easily make it stop by getting rid of pathfinder and or adding flight back for gold

With both options available 99% of complaints would go away but it seems Watcher would rather continue to be annoyed by this instead of accepting the fact players arent willing to surrender over this

He doesnt like constantly being bothered by flying supporters well then get the hint and change how and when we can obtain flight

Add both a gold purchase for single toon as well as pathfinder for account wide as well as remove time gating

If players power level to max on one day so what people have done that since vanilla

Let the players have fun and you can bet PF gripes will vanish



i’ve been saying it since warlords started all this. the way the game is designed now, everyone is better off waiting until the final patch of the expansion, and only buying then. by the time the final patch of an expansion goes live, you have:

  • flying
  • the best gear
  • the best catch-up mechanics (i.e. long grinds from previous patches nerfed or reduced)
  • 100% of the content the expansion will ever have

so while some folks or pro gamers may have various reasons to play the whole time, the reality is, the game is designed to only be good for half an expansion’s lifetime. most expansions last about 2 years, but the first year is all lead-up to the last patch, which itself then lasts usually another entire year while they make the next expansion.

ordinary casual gamer folks would do well to just wait, and get the game when its finally good, and not waste all their time doing the stupid grinds of the first year of an expansion.


Proof that the anti-flying crowd is just a bunch of griefers who enjoy making people suffer.


The basic problem is that a small group of griefers made an outrageous demand and the devs actually went along with it.

What if some players complained that they don’t like seeing female characters in the game? Female warriors are unrealistic, they’re distracting, they should be back home, cooking and looking after kids, etc. Many players in a certain part of the world (cough) might even have religious objections to women being in the game, especially in leadership roles.

So should the devs remove female characters just to please this group? It’s an outrageous demand, but think how happy they’ll make this group, considering there’s about a billion potential players there.

Blizz is losing a lot of money with this approach. Not surprising but you outline many reasons that make logical sense.


No, i think it was a decent part which included players begging for legacy servers and blaming how flying ruined vanilla wpvp and immersion etc. The Classic community is not small by any means.

Nowadays their hardcore wpvp players are no longer in Bfa and all went to Classic. So there 1 less excuse for antiflying.

The other thing that Blizzard thinks of Flying is it made progression too fast to the point that many people complained blamed blizz of lack of content especially in the longest “content draught” back in Mop.
Blizzard suspects flying made their own content to be trivialized because people did stuff too fast and proceeded to complain to Blizz because they found themselves without anything left to do… and tbh Mop had really good content yet people somehow cried about lack of content, there was something clearly wrong, their planned progression speed was somehow overrushed, steamrolled by many players.

Blizzard cannot afford to magically create content every time people rush burn through their newest updates, in other words they couldnt keep up with how fast people were clearing content,
so Blizz suspected that a lot of QoL stuff was at fault, Flying being among the top features that definitely makes stuff much faster (310% speed…?).
Next thing you know they decided to cut wings in Wod after that content draught in Mop, making a lot of people unsub. And pathfinder was born, they realized there were just too many unsubs.

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Funny, the longest content drought in MoP offered a destroyed Vale even for new characters (completely immersion breaking), a raid, and a flightless little Isle. There is no way flying could have made the consumption of the content faster on no flight TI.

I quit because I couldn’t go there alone. So I always had to wait on a friend. TI for me was a cheap addition and boring. Especially compared to the story heavy 5.1 and 5.2 content.

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nothing left to do in the world but world quests for rep you need to unlock flying… that’s the end for me.

pathfinder part 1 should have unlocked flying for the base zones. complete the story line, explore the zone and get basic rep… done game is completed zones are experienced… arguments for pushing it back any longer than that are nonsensical


And why is that? Is it too difficult to understand that flying in wow is important to many people’s enjoyment of the game.

Maybe if you like pvp so much maybe go play League of Legends.


Flying doesn’t trivialize anything. The open world isn’t dangerous to begin with. Once you’ve done everything in pathfinder part 1 staying on the ground is nothing but added tedium.

Flying at max level didn’t hurt the game during wrath (the most successful expansion ever). If flying is half as damaging as you claim it would have definitely hurt the game back then.

Wrath succeeded because of the content. Good content makes wow a better game. Flying has zero negative impact on that.



Well that was before Watcher and the current development team started designing WoW and now anything fun or engaging gets blasted into oblivion with a fully charged shot by the Ion cannon

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I know i will get bashed for this but…

Pathfinder is or give the same feeling as to see someone with full epic gear in Classic/Vanilla.

He worked hard(well, not that the raid was hard, but you get the ideology) to get those items(let’s not forget the raid teamwork as well) and i’m like “Oh Shizzle!” and obviously, i get jealous and mad.

But when i earn my flying, it feel i accomplished something, an actual reward for the “hardwork” that i put to get flying.

I KNOW that it is NOT the same case for everyone, and i completly understand that.

Perhaps that for Pathfinder Part1 of Shadowlands, instead of jsut being an achievement … it could give you TEMPORARILY flying;

As you go on a flying mount, you will be able to fly, but only temporarily(A debuff will show up the remaining time(in seconds) of your ability to fly, but it only goes down as you are flying(beign on a flying mount on the ground wouldn’t decrease the time)

Just an idea out there.

I disagree, it did had an negative impact on value of items(such as herb and mining ore) dropping like flies. But that is the only negative one that i can think of.

I see you have no counter point.

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