Huge W. They clearly stated all those impacted so this is huge. I see people saying streamer Bennie’s but as t1 said not doing this is bad for business and as a bonus if you lost your toon to one of the ddos attacks your getting a revive.
this is a stupid take.
letting hackers decide when you or anyone else dies is not a real option.
All affected also means other people caught in the crossfire from these events, not just the streamers.
You can’t just tolerate hackers dictate when people can play and let them build clout targeting popular gamers.
who cares w blizzard
When will there be a Black Lotus change? Make them boonable or make them drop from high level herbs.
he/she is referring to the attacks i believe that happened in 2023?
they did not rez anyone
This. Presumably this applies to everyone, not only streamers.
Wait, so no revival when your servers d/c and cause player death, but full revival for DDoS?
Only when streamers are targeted, though. Not for any other DCs which are also Blizzard’s fault. This means that it’s only to appease streamers.
Surely this this is for everybody including the people who died because of the retail world first races
This includes everyone who has died in the ddos attacks right? Not just a certain group of people?
I’ve lost a few late 50s to other DDOS attacks and get told so sad by CS but then again…… Streamer privilege
No offense, but do you think you are important enough to have a target coordinated DDoS attack against you?
Nope…me neither.
There is a difference between a random DC and an active targeted malicious attack designed to affect a certain group of people and anybody caught in the crossfire.
I agree past things where there was a malicious attack should have been corrected at the time too, but if this is what it takes for them to get over their hard-line and pay more attention and start doing something in response to DDOS so be it.
They won’t lol Soda cried and cried and they caved
Or they could, you know, implement DDOS protection to stop this? Why are we blaming the people that stream the game for this?
It doesn’t make a difference if the DC is from the server being unstable and a targeted attack. Either appeal them all or none. This is why hardcore should be a self imposed thing, not a dedicated server ruleset.
Streamers should have to not play the game or play around some mentally ill person ddos’ing them either.
Rare Blizz W
They can’t prevent every DDOS, it’s simply not possible. So it’s good they seem to be changing track and being more open to restoring characters lost to such events, at least sometimes. Sometimes it takes something severe enough to make devs realize something need to change, if this is the catalyst that’s fine.
The other alternative would be making characters auto-logout on DC or alt-f4, which I also support. Many other hardcore games do this (e.g., POE which has a huge hardcore community), and it’s fine.
I don’t really care about the streamers and wouldn’t care if they all wiped in BWL to overaggro on firemaw or whatever but this was nonsense and I’m glad Blizzard did the right thing. Was ready to quit if this wasn’t addressed. Allowing hackers to dictate when people can play destroys the integrity of the game.