<In Other News> Recruiting 2-3 dps for The War Within!

For the new raid Amirdrassil,
Will you need a new home?
Are you tired of playing solo,
Pugging, and being alone?

We’d love to welcome you home,
To the In Other News guild,
There are new friends to be made,
And bosses to be killed.

So reach out and message Zahliah,
To journey with us through this next patch,
We’d love to take you on a trial,
And find out if we’re your match!


Hi Zahliah,

I’d love to discuss joining/application. These times look good. I am a player looking to come back to the game after taking a couple months off. Last tier, my IO was 2,738 as Subtlety.

My Discord name is gilferno. Can you add me and we can chat?

I usually play two toons and for 10.2 I’m thinking Rogue (hopefully Sub) and either a Holy Pally or Disc Priest.

Multi CE exp Multi Class Heals LF a mythic home for 10.2. Main is Hpal, but R/Feral druid, Sh/Holy Priest, MW are all 10.2 ready. Lets chat

Discord: Kaeds
Bnet: Caedus#11805

Bumpity bump we’re back again,
To recruit some friends brand new.
Come join our team, find a home with us,
You don’t need to be alone and blue.

In Other News needs some more dps to fill out our raid team. Add Zahliah#1647 today, so talk about joining us! :slight_smile:

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Hi all. Only join these guys if you’re specifically looking for one of the most worthless officer corps on Stormrage.

Hardly anyone in this guild does keys on their own time, especially not the officers. This guild’s long term clique/officer corps gets carried through raid, gets showered with loot while more hardworking players are passed over on BiS items, and then they’ll gkick you if you point out the problems, even if you keep it to private messages w/ officers.

Generally, the passive-aggressiveness and toxic officer backtalk (Hi Sparklebeard) in this guild is off the scale.

They give out BiS trinkets to tanks and dps over healers. Who gives heroic pip’s to a holy priest when 4 or 5 dps in the raid still need it? Who gives augury to a monk tank when half the entire raid needs it? Look no further!

Their GM compiles literal dossieres of ‘grievances and microaggressions’ of everyone in the guild. Microaggressions up to and including getting snippy over loot from normal-mode alt runs, commissions on internal guild crafting orders, and passive aggressive rage if you dare to (politely, and ONE TIME, THREE MONTHS AGO (that’s how long this guild master keeps his microaggressions dossiere going for) dare to tell an officer that, no, you aren’t interested in running keys under +20). Their GM talks and acts like every typical Karen from HR, never naming names in the event of disagreements between players, only telling you to “be better” without giving you any specifics or ways to apologize to unnamed accusers (who, in retrospect, were women. What is it with women and WoW guild toxicity?).

Their recruiting officer doesn’t even play this game (seriously, check the logs).

If you show up to raid, expect to wipe again and again because you’re carrying long term clique members/officers through content beyond their skill level. As seen here. https:// imgur .com/a/RYWcNGv (had to break up link to be able to post)

If you try to organize keys on your own during a ‘key night’, because their keys-organizing officer (the GM) is taking literally twenty+ minutes going on half an hour to get things going, the GM will accuse you of usurping his authority in discord DM.

Did I mention that no one in this guild does keys on their own time?

If you are unfortunate enough to ACTUALLY do keys on your own time, you’ll just be passed over on raid loot when it drops (in favor of officers with 2.2k m+ rating 2 months into the season who have 10 less gear levels than you).

tl;dr: There are plenty of great guilds on Stormrage. Don’t waste your time on these clowns. And I say this as one of the guild’s former top DPS players, with less deaths on prog than any/all of their officers.

And, yes, I’m holding a grudge. Waste of my progression time in this season.

Muphid, you really are something. I spent months being polite, trying to get along with people in guild, and this is how you act? I had to share your final discord DM with my friends just to laugh over it, loudly and at length. I’ll just share a bit of this Muphrid discord DM here.

“You’ve been removed from the guild. Your attitude toward and behavior with the team is not something we enjoy playing with. In particular…”

  • Calling people out for work order commissions you didn’t agree with. You handled this in a sarcastic, non-constructive manner. The overall concern that it did not respect the resources you would use was legitimate; the way you handled it was not.

(Stickyshot was putting up 486 embellished items w/ rank 5 order requirement for 500g and you think it’s toxic when I do nothing but tell him he shouldn’t be surprised his orders are up for 2 days without getting done? That he could at least post them without an order requirement so I could do his orders more cheaply without wasting insights? Then Sparklebeard (who barely even plays this game anymore) jumps in and says I should always do orders for guild members for free, no questions asked. And you think I’m the toxic one? Hilarious)

  • You repeatedly told people you weren’t interested in helping their keys because you only wanted 20s or the like. While people are not obligated to help each other out, we found these statements especially dismissive of team-oriented behavior.

(I said this ONE TIME, almost 3 months ago back when the season was first starting and I was going ham on getting rating. Meanwhile, your guild’s main tank has done like 8 timed 20s in the entire season, and still doesn’t have prophetic stonescales. Eat your heart out, Muphrid).

  • We felt you took advantage of relaxing the loot rules last week to disproportionately benefit your mage over other characters

(it was a normal mode alt run, there were wasn’t a single other cloth character in raid, and you get offended when I need roll on multiple items? I still can’t believe you wanted to run RC loot council in a normal mode alt run haha, absolutely dead on hilarious, how much of a low key toxic power tripper are you?).

I won’t even bother getting into the rest of this final discord DM from Muphrid. It’s another dozen or so bulletin points of exaggerated microaggression bullcrap, and him telling me I’m bad at DPS when I’m parsing above most of his core raid team and with less deaths.

Are you a dps who needs a home,
We take all including vulpera, worgen or gnome,
Come raid with us to get mythic down,
You’ll have lots of smiles, get rid of that frown!

Still looking for some more dps to fill out our raid team!

In response to the above comments - as the recruiting officer, I wasn’t playing this tier, because I left for two months to visit my family halfway around the world. Due to time change, and then being behind in gear, I wasn’t able to. But I am playing again.

Our guild has been around for 16 years. That shows something.


So as a former one of these aforementioned “worthless” officers and a founding member of this guild, I haven’t had a laugh that good in a while. The delusions of grandeur in that tantrum post are something else. Just a heroic raider that’s convinced themself they are hall of fame level. I would go through and pick it apart but honestly if you look at the logs it tells the story of the “top dps.” Make sure to look at both the toons used, Coldbringer and Larracier. This is not the first tantrum post we’ve seen and I’m sure it won’t be the last. This guild has been around for 16 years, there will be problems and issues we have to constantly work out, changes that have to be made, but that’s the same for any guild. I have been here for the highs, the lows and the Blizzcons inbetween and intend to stay here with the friends I’ve made along the way.
Don’t let this one disgruntled person ruin your perception of this guild. Maybe this guild will become your new home or maybe this guild isn’t for you but the only way to find out is to reach out and inquire within.


We’re recruiting for The War Within,
Are you a dps needing a home?
We love humans, draeneis, worgen too,
And we can tolerate a gnome :wink:

Any races are welcome, haha!

Add Zahliah#1647 to talk! :smiley: