In-Game Mail 'Read' Status

Posting this here cos i can’t find anything anywhere else about this (even Google)…

Does anyone know how to change/disable that “feature” just introduced that marks ALL of your mail as ‘read’ as soon as you open the mailbox?

i have no mail-related add-ons (other than the built-in options in Alto-holic), & i’ve scoured that add-ons options, as well as the main game ones, & can’t find anything…

i think i remember this happening when one of the previous xpacs was released, but i can’t remember the fix…

It is Altoholic that is doing it.


Nope - that is the first thing i checked; like i said in my original post, went thru all the options for Alto-holic when the problem first turned up.

i also had this occur a couple xpacs ago, BFA or SL, before i was using Alto-holic, so it couldn’t have been that add-on; like i said, tho, can’t remember how i fixed it back then…

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What other addons are you using? I have not seen this behavior in the stock UI.

One way to help determine if an addon is the culprit will be with a full UI reset (as detailed in Support article linked below). It can be reversed, so you won’t lose your settings.

You can also do this and then add any addons back one by one to see which one exhibits the same behavior.

Please note, this is not the same as disabling addons OR doing a /reload of your UI.