In Dire Need Of A Guild & Community

I apologize in advance for the long winded post. I’ve been an avid WoW player since about half way through vanilla. When classic started I had a core group of friends I was able to play with consistently on Mankrik Alliance and it was awesome. A few months ago, all of them have quit playing. I play a DPS warrior and still am not even pre raid bis geared because I have been unable to find any pugs whatsoever. I still have not yet been able to experience a classic raid. I have joined a couple guilds with the promise of being able to group and run things to gear up and raid, but once I join it’s never followed up on. At this point I’m willing to transfer anywhere or even reroll on a PVP server if I could find a guild that I would be able to participate and play with consistently. Any leads would be greatly appreciated.

Been there done that. Everyone thinks their ready to put in the grind but not everyone is. If you decide to re-roll we’re starting one next Friday 6/19. Check out our post below (Reroll (A) <Old School> Bigglesworth Very Strong and Active). Prefect time to join at the start of something and be part of the core from the start. The grind is not so bad when you have others to grind with.

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I’m pretty happy with my guild on mankrik, Primal. Joined up with them when i hit 60 and been great so far. I believe that we even need a fury warrior for either our weekend or weekday team. We have BWL and MC on farm and its pretty chill overall in our guild, so if ya want to join, you dont even have to switch servers or reroll!

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Thanks! I’ll look into you guys and reach out.

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Good luck! If things dont work out, check out our recruitment post here below :slight_smile:

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Thank you Pizzalicious! I’ll certainly give you guys a look as well.

It would be up to you to earn a raid spot but we are looking for more folks as per the post, Good luck!

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Hey Svadi - I was in a very similar situation as you. I was slow to level and ultimately got left behind, and failed to establish good relationships or catch up in time to experience any fresh raid content.

I was looking for months trying to find a community - looking to reroll or join any group that would work for me. I tried rerolling on several servers but everything fell apart. I finally found what I was looking for - a guild of cool, friendly people who were gearing up for raiding [H] < Of Blood And Ashes >. We are on Ashkandi PVE EST and raid Mon and Wed 9-12 EST. We have just killed Hakkar for the first time, and should be starting MC in a week or two. We do not have enough players in guild to fill a raid, but we have established a raid community on the server filled with cool players. I transferred from a PvP server to try this guild out, and it was a fantastic decision. It has been a lot of fun getting to know these guys in discord and chat, and to experience new content together.

Even if you had to reroll, if you are a fast leveler you may be able to get caught up pretty quickly. Thus far, on non-raid nights guildies have grouped to run LBRS and UBRS for Onyxia attunement, and generally seem ready to help fellow guildies.

Please feel free to message me in game with any questions, or you can try rolling on Ashkandi Horde and joining us to see how it feels!

  • Xeno

PS - The reason this is a fresh group is because many of these players decided to re-roll from Alliance so they could play as Horde for TBC.