In Development: Fractures in Time

Major oof.

Big disappoint :frowning:

Those pictures with galakrond are so amazing though. I really hope galakrond isn’t cut out.

I was super hyped but guess I got baited by wowhead.

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I just want to be a nelf warlock

Not even the Red Eredar.

Blizzard lore is dead.

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That’s all. We don’t need the dumb limitations anymore.

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Those are some striking images of Galakrond. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

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The reason seems obvious though. Blizzard is doing these class/race combos in batches and druid/paladins/demon hunters are last in line due to having to make customization options.


We don’t know that yet.

I hope we get Man’ari customizations. Same as I have hoped for Dragonmaw skin tones, Grimtotem and Leper Gnomes.

It’s going to be funny though if they do get a red skin and the Draenei racial is touch of the Naaru.


I can’t wait to see my golden moose.

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This is Blizzard. The same Blizzard that gave us Void Elves over the requested High Elves.

I have 0 faith in them making this make sense.


Seven years later, DH is still stuck with 2 specs, one of which you can never seem to balance properly. But yes, let’s add even more lizards to the world.

P.S. I bet players would rather you add more visages than a support spec that probably will be mandatory for all high end content.


Galakrond is too much work to make a satisfying boss fight so they’ll just tease him endlessly and never actually show him.

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I’m with you there man. I wanted High Elves, also.


“Kalimdor Dragonriding Grand Prix”

Dragon flight coming to old zones? Great news for fans of dragon flying.

Forgive my reading comprehension but I seem to keep missing the references to when regular flying is going is coming back. Based on flying back to my corpse in DF, it has been enabled in DF, so when will I be able to do this while alive? I really miss hovering and just cruising for nodes and stuff.

Thank you.


I am so hyped but nervous it will be a let down.

I so badly want the orange felgaurd.
The model exists. Please let me use it :pray:


Monk class and WW spec trees have been dog since beta, can we get that looked into too please


Do you not like that races have unique cultures?


Nice to see more race/class unlocks. No reason in this day and age to limit player choice (IMO). Would love to see more shamans and paladins (Gnome sham pls).

The dream would be eventually allowing more races to choose Horde or Alliance similar to Pandaren.

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Draenei warlocks are all I’ve ever wanted, thank you.

Now add man’ari customization options please. :pray:


Good stuff, is there chance that Draenei have skin customization to look like an Eredar?


Yeah. Tried monk and WW feels so bad, weak, and squishy.

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