In Defense of the Dungeon Finder

You mean they are listening to things we can affect? RDF is the only thing we should be affecting.


Yeah I understand this and actually agree. It wasn’t a good change. Blizzard has done what they can to address boosting other than actually paying people to deal with it ingame and I agree that there were better alternatives. But I don’t believe in more failed tools to fix the others they have made in classic.

100% agree. Neither should’ve happened. I still believe this was a mistake and sincerely wish they hadn’t messed up the entire open world allowing people to avoid levelling which is a big part of classic.

Have you met Blizzard? That is their MO.

I actually recently saw one person sorta get around it. They had a lvl 70 druid follow them around, not grouped, and only heal/buff them. I guess there’s no penalty if there’s no group and if the high level does no damage.

They do seem to be listening. Look, if you really want to shoot for RDF getting in earlier rather then later, you need to focus on the anti-RDF weak spot. Specifically leveling dungeons and pre-80 content. As the server population levels, those are the places that will be hardest hit (just like now in classic TBC).

Having a max level friend or guildmate run you through the low level dungeon (especially as that will give you no xp now) is neither fun nor is it socializing since you already know the person.

Focus on that and maybe we’ll get something in before the mass exodus

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One suggestion I heard that could potentially be good is LFD but it only goes cross-realm if it legitimately cannot find any way to fill your group after a while. Not sure how hard of an implementation that would be though.

Blizzard has not said they will be adding it later. It’s off the table currently.

If Blizzard came in with a post saying it will be in Phase 3/4. This topic would dry up.

This is kind’ve what happens in retail.

I’ve been prompted before to “expand my queue” or whatever if I signed up as DPS for random WOTLK dungeons but cannot find a group within a few minutes.

If you accept the prompt, you can be matched with other era dungeons. It is quite nice.

My take is RDF or cross-server instancing will have to come in some form or wrath will die. I mean, it’s possible there’s a third option like they merge all the servers into one then the benefits of RDF are less necessary.

In addition, they’ve acknowledged that the pre-80 content was something they have to consider because they understand it’s a problem.

I guess that’s true. They’ve got the reaction speed of a sloth.

That’s all great but Blizzard has a post stickied up there was a statement saying they have no plans to add RDF. That’s not a “we will look to add it later”

It’s less that, and more like they can’t admit they were wrong until its too late. Look at most of the design decisions they made for SL and what they’ve said recently about them.

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Everything you mentioned is a minor inconvenience at best.

The lfg tool and bulletin board combo works very well. When people decide to not use the in game tool out of some wierd malice it creates a feedback loop. Quit dooming stuff you havent even tried coward.

I rarely ever saw the same people in rdf in retail. And even if i did stick with a group the moment anyone leaves youll never see them again.

There is no compromise of server side only, the lfg tool does it just fine and rdf will not magically find more tanks at 4 am on a medium pop server. Or a low pop, and artifically inflating player pools for low pop servers is a terrible idea for any new player not aware of server issues.

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I have a sneaking suspicion that folks at Blizzard are kind of butt-hurt that people think Cata was the death of WoW. They believe it was a really good expansion that was hurt by RDF and they intend to prove that. They’ll rush through wrath as fast as they can and make everyone go to Cata (like they are doing with the TBC-Wrath conversion).

That way they can prove that Cata was good. I have no evidence, just a few comments here and there that make me think this.

Otherwise, unless they are completely clueless or have some grand server merging plans, they know people will leave if they can’t find groups, which will make group finding harder which will lead to more people leaving

We saw this in original wrath, at the literal peak of wow popularity, we saw it in TBC classic, how dead the worlds were prior to the lead up to wrath. They have to know it will need to go in or wrath will look like classic vanilla right now

But they’re professional developers. They get paid to do this. We’re just plebs who don’t know what we want. Blizz knows best!

Sadly, it’s pretty obvious they do feel this way. It’s all about pride and ego to them. Admit they were wrong? Bin their beloved lfg tool? It’s the only thing they can put on their resumes….which is what this is about. ‘See the great job we did with Wrath Classic?!’ Means next to nothing if they simply give us the game as it was. Need to showcase their talents by changing things. Justify those jobs.

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So make your own group ?

We’ve got quotes from Devs on how RDF was a great improvement and how well it helped the game.

Cata being the death of WoW is an over statement. WoW is still running strong. The math is way more complex than A+C= B.

Get a character, level him up to mid 20s (should be quick with JJ) and then put together a Razorfen Kraul group (without having a high level run you through). Tell me how that went.


It concerns me how many of you claim your experiences of socialzing or dungeon running is the same for everyone.

A.) Im not anti rdf but im not gonna sit here and pretend my experiences represent everyone elses.

B.) It also concerns me how much people are willing to give up bc something is annoying or maybe time consuming. Really a mark of todays society and instant gratification.

But think of all the friends you made spamming the lfg channel with your gear score!