Improving the PvP Experience for Shadow Priests: A Call for Action

Dear Blizzard Customer Support,

I am writing to express my concern about the current state of Shadow Priests in World of Warcraft PvP. I feel that it is unfair to ask players who have invested time and effort into mastering this specialization to struggle in such a frustrating way, while other classes and specs have an easier time in PvP.

As a Shadow Priest, I have experienced firsthand how difficult it can be to succeed in PvP. Despite having access to some powerful abilities, such as Shadow Word: Pain and Vampiric Touch, we are often unable to out-damage or outlast our opponents. The lack of defensive abilities and mobility options puts us at a significant disadvantage against other classes that have more tools to escape or avoid our attacks.

I understand that balancing PvP is a challenging task, but I believe that the current state of Shadow Priests is unjust. It’s not just about winning or losing, but rather the enjoyment and satisfaction of playing the game. It’s disheartening to feel like our efforts are in vain, and that our class is not valued in PvP.

I would appreciate it if you could take my concerns into consideration and take steps to improve the PvP experience for Shadow Priests. Whether it’s through tuning, adjustments to abilities, or other means, I hope that Shadow Priests can be given a fair chance to compete in PvP.

Thank you for your time and attention.



What an unfortunate way to start a post. Aint nobody answerin’ that door nowadays.

Who should i write to ?

In all seriousness, that will probably be fine. The PvP devs will likely realize you mean them. I was just making a joke about them firing off a lot of their customer service people.

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I, too can use chatgpt.

Dear Blizzard Customer Support,

I am writing to express my concern about the current state of Shadow Priest gameplay in PvP. As a loyal player of World of Warcraft, I have noticed that Shadow Priests seem to be struggling in PvP, with many players finding them difficult to play and often not as effective as other classes. I believe that the gameplay of the Shadow Priest class could be improved in PvP, and I would like to request that your team consider making some changes to help improve the experience for players. Perhaps adjustments to abilities or talent trees could make Shadow Priests more viable in PvP. I know that you are constantly working to improve the game, and I appreciate all the hard work you do to keep the World of Warcraft community engaged and satisfied. I hope that together we can make Shadow Priests a more enjoyable and effective class in PvP. Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.

Sincerely, Rokkon.

Nice it does good job … does ChatGPT play wow ?