Improved shield block- vanilla warrior question

1.2% 0.4% block is not avoidance. That is Mitigation.

It is not considered a high prio debuff so it will never kick off the good debuff slots. Taking deep wounds is fine and also helps in PVP / 20 mans / 10 mans / 5 mans and farming.

Imp shield block, last stand and Defiance seem to be the biggest tanking talents (for raid tanking). Shield spec + imp BR are pre-requisites along with 3 points misc… toughness is probably the “best of the rest” talent wise.

From there its a choice of deep prot (useful stuns for dungeons & one hand spec) vs impale vs flurry. impale is 20% more damage on crits, flurry is more heroic strikes on crits <-- outside of raids more than likely your crit chance will NOT be high enough with tanking gear.

I haven’t seen the math or breakdown of these choices before. if you are going all the way down to flurry though you would also get BT which might be better if you are an offtank/not MT (but you do lose impale).

I like that spec for leveling but I figure taking imp heroic strike over deflection?


There was a long, long spreadsheet (using Private server data) recently that basically determined the cutoff point for fury tanking being better was at 3 minutes, unless you are in AQ40 gear. In the Naxx patch, Shield Slam gets buffed, and Fury tanking is pretty pointless unless you are fully world buffed and dual wielding.

Since we are getting 1.12 talents, that means we probably have the Shield Slam buff all the way (something progressive Private Servers do not usually have). So Shield Slam looks like it’s going to be the way to go unless you overgear or are absolutely smashing current content.

Note the 20% more damage on crits is for your yellow (specials) only. Your white crits are not affected.

That’s probably why it was a bigger factor in TBC with Devastate.

As a raid tank will you ever have a white crit? Wont they generally all be heroic strike?

Not until Naxx. Prior to this, especially in MC / Ony / ZG / and most of BWL, the bosses don’t hit hard enough for you to be able to heroic strike spam.

On MC progression, my last parses I was averaging about 4 heroic strikes per boss fight which were between 30-60 seconds. This was with only queuing heroic strike when I had 47 rage to ensure I could still shield slam + sunder after the (or during) the heroic strike.

That sounds 100% wrong from what I remember on live.

I remember consistently getting 30-50 rage per melee swing.

EDIT: To clarify, I meant from the boss melee swing damage.

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The formula in Vanilla at level 60 is the following:

90 physical damage taken from a mob = 1 rage.
30 physical damage you do to a mob = 1 rage.

Tanking with a weapon such as Quel - your white hits will be 170-240 prior to crits. This is 5-8 rage per white hit every 2 seconds. or 2.5-4 rage per second.

Getting 30-50 rage per melee swing would assume you are doing 900-1,500 damage per white hit.

Is that Private Server formula correct, though, is what I’m wondering.

Because I have never heard of a tank getting so rage starved during MC progression, unless you are going through an insane streak of parry/dodge.

That is the vanilla formula, not just a private server formula.

You will get hit for around 1.8k to 3.6k non-crit from bosses in MC so this is where most of your rage comes from. Eventually when running MC and you have end-game gear, you have to put on DPS gear to avoid high strings of dodges / parry / miss so you actually take enough damage to do threat.

Sorry, I think I wasn’t very clear. I meant 30-50 rage from getting hit BY the boss.

EDIT: Yeah, that sounds correct. Bit of a misunderstanding.

where is this spreadsheet? it isn’t taladril’s spreadsheet, is it?
that one uses a 6 minute fight and determines that fury tanking is flat-out better with world buffs, while prot is better without world buffs

This is Taladril’s spreadsheet, but that’s not what it says in the conclusions.

Only DW tanking produces significantly more threat in a fight greater than 3m, and only before the Shield Slam buff.

maybe I should’ve read into that more

3 minutes is the big point, because you have two Death Wishes in that window. You’re going to do a TON of threat in three minutes, but averaged out longer, it’s a lot worse. Burst threat for fury tanking is incredibly high, but sustained is not as good.

i just looked through the document’s tabs with ctrl+f shield slam; all I could find is an implication that 1.12 shield slam MIGHT have not been used in the conclusion
“Depending on content patch”, specifically

however, I did find the link to the private server that was used; without me going to that link, does that server use 1.12 shield slam or not?

1.11 is when Shield Slam became more rage efficient and started scaling with Shield Block Value. I don’t know about the server in question, but he stated that Prot spec does more threat in general in the Naxx patch.

Since we’re getting 1.12 balance in Classic, that will most likely apply to most of the tiers in Classic.