You dont have the stats to get frost going but unholy is actually doing worse overall than frost.
The riders are your highest dps contribution with unholy. Then your other pets make up another 25% so over half of your damage is coming from riders and pets which most of which are cd based around 1.5-45 second cd’s
If you are only getting 400-500k at the end of a boss fight as frost, you are doing something seriously wrong.
Frost is 7th in the rankings at the moment while Unholy is 16th, ~25k behind frost on average.
At almost ilvl 600 you should be doing more than 358k as unholy. Others at your ilvl are up in the 700-800k range. You are leaving around 50% of the damage you could be doing on the table somewhere.
Only one real way to fix it, get rid of KM rank 2. Pillar has Obliteration which forces KM procs. If it didn’t then pillar would feel just as bad because you are fishing for KM procs to get full damage. The damage swing from a regular Obliterate and a KM Obliterate is much more than the ability being a crit like KM used to provide.
Your crit is still low. Looking at your “Frost” set right now and its under 20%. Thats not good enough especially with someone over 600ilvl. Should be more around 25% or higher for frost.
Use your movement abilities better.
Your log. 1 heroic kill, highest dps 358,423.1, over 9 minute fight, 4 aboms used when it could have easily been 7 which also means less riders which makes up a good portion of unholy damage.
Normals arent that much better outside of 2 fights one being just shy of 600k and the other just over 500k. There is a lot of room for improvement sometimes to the point where you can almost double, double or even triple your dps.
Except that would just flatten the damage profile and kill the spec.
There’s also not really that much damage that cab be pulled out from Whelps and Enduring. Enduring is barely above 2% extra damage in ST and Whelps isn’t that much further ahead.
The only way to get damage in the base abilities is to remove the guaranteed crit or 100% Frost damage from KM. The damage of everything is based off KMs power and has been for a while.