Imminence of Krag'wa's Executor Price in Trading Post

We’ve had a trend of pricing Trading Post class sets at 450 Trader’s Tender, and for the first few days of December, a bug caused the Imminence of Krag’wa’s Executor set to sell for 500 Tender. We’ve now hotfixed the game to set that price at 450, as we originally intended.

If you’ve already purchased the set, please hang tight. We’re working on a second hotfix that will refund you the extra 50 Tender. You don’t have to take any steps. That refund will come as soon as we can implement it this month.

We apologize for the mix-up.


Thanks for the update. :dracthyr_love_animated:

Any word on whether or not these seemingly missing items will make their way onto the post this month?


Yes please, I want that axe!


Is that the shaman weapon set?

What about the bugs causing people to have a negative amount of tenders?


Yep, this is referring to the Shaman stuff.

I’m still convinced this “shaman” set is just scrapped zandalari heritage armor.

Well, the trading post is perfect for stuff like this. I was wondering if the DK set was something from a Maldraxxus or Shadowlands raid that never quite got finished, and this is a cool way of putting it in.

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Oh yeaaaah I forgot about those. I wanted that axe.

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That’s great but what about all of us sitting in negative tender? Why has there been no statement on that?

Awesome! Now lower some of the other ridiculously high prices. 750 tender for a pet? C’mon.

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I did hear about some people losing their tendies, yeah, that’s…odd.

Jeweled Valkyrion Cape is also missing.

Where or when are we getting the amazing chainmail bikinis??

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The first time in how long, shamans finally get a set. And it’s zandalari troll mog. My god, look at those mage shoulders for crying out loud… My disappointment is immeasurable. And my day is ruined.

I was wondering why that was 500 tendies lol

A tax for playing shaman. :sweat_smile:

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If it makes you feel better, the floaty orbs are tied to the helm slot.

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WHAT?! That makes ZERO sense?!

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Eh I mean I guess one of em does hover directly over your head.

It looks cool enough that I don’t mind the limitation. Mages definitely won the “3 piece TP set” lottery.