
Why are the present weapon imbuements useless for restoration and elemental?

Do you mean enchantments?
Celestial Guidance is pretty much to go to on all specs, save for dual wield where you can have two.

Nah, they mean Flametongue and Windfury. Both are only useful on enhancement (where they’re mandatory anyways). Ele and Rest only get flametongue which is incredibly weak and requires melee attacks.

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Oh right, I ignore them on my Resto/Ele and must have forgot they existed lol

I’m pretty sure no one knows why imbues came back the way they did. No idea why Flametongue Weapon came back without its increase to magic/spell damage and is useless for the caster Shaman specs. Not sure why we only got Windfury and Flametongue and not the other imbues. I’m sure Elemental Shaman would love to use Flametongue and Resto would love Earthliving. Frostbrand for PvP.

And it’s a bit odd that only those two came back, are pretty much forced to be used but don’t really have any interaction other than being an apply every hour and forget. In the current implementation, they could just be passives for Enhance to save space on hotbars.

Would be great to get all the imbues back as well as Unleash Elements. It’s nice having different choices for different situations.

What about spell which we always use “Primal Strike” deals 80 dmg and eats 1000 mana

Optimal rsham gameplay is meleeing with flametongue weapon and pressing primal strike when riptide is on cd obviously if hpal gameplay is any indicator.