everyone has an alt on era. several. theyll just hop on their main and camp you. defending era is really cringe imo. but whatever you stay there and enjoy it. ill be in tbc
Era is true Classic.
era is true cringe
I’ve been running wsg like crazy on Anniv, in an effort to get exalted before BWL launches. It was painful yesterday but today I had 9 wins in a row with no premade so.
if era had no gdkp I would agree with you. But I’m also glad y’all have somewhere you can gdkp. Just not everywhere.
I feel like GDKP on era has kinda fallen out of favor and more players are doing like me now and raiding in a guild.
dont listen to Cezar the clown. he is the biggest era fanboy ive ever seen. oblivious to whats around him. claims theres hardly any gold buying on era yet i had 2 friends buy thousands of gold a long side their guildies and got carried in gdkp’s and got the gear. bots everywhere, sweaty 50 yr old full bis everything nerds. its just not fun anymore. the sweats ruined the fun as they always do
The toxic Sweatlords left for Anniversary and are ruining that now.
i can agree with that. sweats always ruin the fun in every version
Is what we’re trying to tell you… Era is freaking paradise now
Only at level 60.
I’ve been BGing at the low-lvl brackets in annivers. and it’s been a blast…
More than can be said about your pathetic era low-lvl brackets…
Am I right about that OP?
If we’re gonna be honest with each other, don’t forget to mention that low-lvl brackets aren’t active.
The BGing you attempt to describe is only for lvl 60.
idk how is wsg on era these days? Still min/max full engineering, full consumables with druids that wall jump out of bounds to avoid losing? I’m so sick of vanilla pvp, even on anniv servers theres just a handful of druids you see and know they occasionally go out of bounds to avoid losing.
Lately people have been even baiting people to places you can fear them into the wall on anniv. Its not fun
Watching these people so upset that players are enjoying Era will never not be funny.
The epitome of “Stop having fun!!!”
isnt that the pot calling the kettle black. go enjoy what you enjoy and tbh im glad youll stay there. so its a win for everyone. you get to enjoy era, and i dont have to deal with you era fanboy sweats. great deal
He thinks saying “they’re mad” or “he’s upset” or “seethe more” makes people angry or something.
Very strange.
I only consume in Wargames unless its a certain couple of EFC’s that are so slippery that I will fap vs them.
(edit) also as for who’s Q’n up, there are a lot of RZero’s myself included.
That’s totally different. Anniversary factually sucks.
you lick windows for a living its ok i understand. good luck i nera bud. ill enjoy what i enjoy u enjoy what u enjoy.
so why are you in this thread then?
good question. i need to stay away from u classic era sweats. gl and have fun in era