Imagine Hugging

By the loa you’re right, get that guy a hug! Velen too maybe. Guy lost his son and has been hunted by the legion for literally millenia.


Not a chance… well… maybe…

Sylvanas: I understand the weight of my sins upon the world now and how I must atone for them even though the prices is steep. I shall step into that final void for you my Cookie Loa, thank you for your kindness and goodbye.

(Grumbles gives her a very brief bro-hug before she walks into the nothing… ceasing to exist to make amends)


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Give Nomi a big hug after his cooking troubles

I learned how to burn food from Nomi, Legion - invaluable skills

Summon my ghouls to give group hugs. :heart:

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I’m told Sylvanas is surprisingly desirable to many people. she should charge for those hugs

Ya’ll that didn’t say Taoshi are wrong. Sorry to drop that truth bomb on everyone :wink:

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Nah, it’ll be worse, like,

“I’m going to survive the next expansion too…”

hello im fluffi who wants to hug me

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I’ll hug ya you big galoomba, I bet you’re as soft as a down blanket

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Hugging… stitches :thinking:


i don’t even have any muscles or bones, i’m just a worgen-shaped ball of fur


I will hug T’Paartos I think he could use one.

I would love to.

I’d love to be squished by two Kul Tirans. Gender irrelevant.

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I wanna hug Illidan, I feel like he could just use one. Then he just gives me that look like… “You are not prepared, to hug me” and then he walks away. :sob:

I thought they took that out of warcraft along with the whistle because people were offended.

So I can’t hug her, she might get offended.

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I’d hug Alexstrasza, to be honest. Dragon mamma is likely warm and kind.

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I would give Genn a big hug. He always seems so stressed out and just seems like he could use a big hug.

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