Imagine a Bard class

Been reading the High Elf forums?

Bard Class; “Hello My Name is Elias…”

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No one wants to watch their corpse get luted.


Don’t forget the charm kiting. Just make bards where they can charm animals or locals to do their bidding while they dot kite them around. Only issue with WoW is the amount of mobs in any given area, and that would make kiting a little more difficult.

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Or fluted :musical_score::musical_score:

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FF14 has bard awesome class to play.

Look at LotRO’s minstrel class. It does heals and dps with a mix of music and melee attacks, as well as rolling buffs/debuffs.

Very fun to play!

Easy. You dont even need to add anything other than the instruments. It could even be funny if other classes used them as actual weapons while the bard used them as instruments.

To introduce them you’d have to make their own expansion, something like The Ballad of Greenglade or something. Give it an Irish/Celtic theme since WotLK did Norse already. Or Greek mythology so we can play a song in the underworld to bring someone’s lover back.
They have to be useful for parties and raids, but also fun to solo, so:
First ability is Vicious Mockery. Standard attack with a debuff.
Second is Shockwave to push away mobs.
Then buffs for threat and fortitude, a healing tune, debuff for mobs
Specs can be tanking and healing. With crowd control tunes to confuse, induce fear, etc. and channeling a healing ballad for your party would be pretty epic.
Talent Specials can be Skald for max tanking, Entertainer for buff and debuff support, and Poet for Max Healing.
Higher Lvls can focus more on interesting crowd control.
Other cool things: Bards earn 50% more reputation from quests. Types of instuments could customize play style. Could go well with Inscription profession. Introduce more town interfaces and the Bard could be the class for people who want to play without killing things.
I dont really do PvP, but I’m sure there are ways to use these skills in battlegrounds.
Races: Human (because they get everything), Dwarf, Gnome, Pandarian, Tauren, Undead, Blood Elf, Goblin

Thats just a base, but this class is totally doable. Doesnt even have to be a hero class. Just a regular, old, traveling musician that soothes savage beasts or melts their faces off with the power of ROCK!!

I dont know why this got necro’d and I don’t see why in fantasy stuff they some how ended up thinking a bard could some how kill a dragon by playing a flute at them

They should introduce this class and make it completely useless as it should be

Don’t know how I would feel about boss loot being Nzoths Void Banjo.

And yea Necro

I’m onboard

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I think Blizz has already done an interesting concept for Bards when they made Lucio in Overwatch. (Youre just now realizing Lucio is a bard huh?)

If you take some of those basic concepts and added them to WoW it could make an interesting support class. I like the idea of doing passive AOE buffs or healing based on proximity. The thing is there are already very similar ideas built into classes like Shaman or Pallies. (Even druid). Hybrids arent truly hybrid anymore. That went away because people want to specialize and be competetive.

Eventually the bards would get overhauled and we’d somwhow end up with generic tanking, healing and DPS bards.

That’s boring.

Imagine Blizzard being rumored to add Tinkers into the game before the whole host of other interesting classes they could add (that wouldn’t pull from an existing profession >.>) like Bard.

i feel like if anything this is what has made the game boring though.

i’m all for making the game competitive but giving classes unique utility is what made vanilla fun and imo classes were more interesting and unique back then

Bards are missing! Every other DnD class is represented by a spec or full class in WoW, except for this one!

Only if the Bard wields a guitar - Guitar Hero style.

Thou shalt be Thunderstruck!

OR we can bring back Class raid wide buffs like Gift of the Wild, Greater Blessing of Kings, Leader of the Pack, Trueshot Aura, Moonkin Aura, etc. That way we don’t need another class that boosts damage, everyone else can do it!

I couldn’t think of a more stupid and pointless class.

do that and also create bards.

basically what you are doing is adding another facet to the game which is basically what i was talking about in my previous post