I'm tired of people not speedrunning dungeons

I mean as the tank I form the group so I’m always lead, if I’m not leading it I don’t join. I want full control.

You only ever run your own keys?

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And you expect to make friends like this? Or if not friends, at least people to run dungeons with? I get the feeling you’re gonna be shifted out and looking for people a lot. And then your rep will be so bad you’ll be left alone in the cold.

It’s easy to get everything he wants in all circumstances when it’s a delusion and not reality lol

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I think if you actually had any skill or felt like you weren’t needing to hide you would post on your main.


Already in the process of joining a very elite M+ group on my server atm, I don’t need to make friends when I have a high IO score.

You should really seek counseling bud…this isn’t healthy


You don’t need to worry about your IO if you’re in a steady guild.


Which server? Seeing as how you won’t post the name, at least give us the server :heart:

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That’s kinda sad, ngl.


And strange since IO wouldn’t matter if you’re not pugging lmao


Especially since they’re not mutually exclusive :frowning:


How is that sad?

In the process of joining is good and all. But since you want “full control” I imagine they won’t be keeping you for long with that attitude. But also since you refuse to show receipts, no one is convinced enough to believe you.

And don’t say “Im not trying to convince you.” because your post clearly shows you’re out to convince people of how you think. This so called “Truth” you’ve been pouring on us casuals over here. :rofl:

if you can’t see it, I am sorry.

Sort of…

I already told them I won’t join their groups unless I have control, based on my IO scores they don’t mind.

Don’t be. They have the full capability of choosing to look at it objectively instead of through their own lens. Most people just don’t want to

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Just get a regular group of like-minded players to run dungeons with.

They may be more willing to give you a shot based on your IO, but trust me, your IO won’t matter at all if you make yourself out to be a pest. A mediocre tank who works well in a group will push higher than a pug hero.

I think you may be surprised how different guild running is from pugging. Especially if you’re being honest with everything you’ve said, and they’re doing high end content.

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My attitude leads to timed keys.

This is a rather low bar.

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