I'm tired of people not speedrunning dungeons

Tbh you and I both know this guy doesn’t push m+ lol. It’s gotten a little stale in here because he’s just acting out a personality at this point



I am a reasonable person, no one has presented an argument that compels more than my own.

Too bad none of the people I’m talking about exist in this thread.

They are all descriptive terms for fictional people and people who we’re talking about in game who behave in ways that waste peoples time.

Try not to clutch your pearls too hard though, you’ll end up breaking them.

True. I’m actually looking forward to returning to push some keys this season. Especially when that mount would look so juicy on Pally when I turn into a tauren and use World Shrinker and walk about Stormwind.

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I’m a victim for living my truth and being called names.


Pot, meet kettle.


Toxic is an adjective, not a name.

Unless your name is “Toxic”.

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Please, don’t encourage him. We all might get flagged for releasing his real life information.

Those terms are not directed at anyone in this thread.

So… about that seasonal affix. Thoughts?

I haven’t looked into them yet.

You do know what a contradiction is, don’t you? Because you just contradicted yourself.

“I’m a victim for living my truth and being called names.”, but name calls on calling people “trash healers” and “sandbags”.

Yeah, you’re not the victim. You’re the bully.


Let people play how they want to play. Some just want to enjoy the new dungeons.

Those terms are not toxic.

No way in hell you thought that up with a straight face.

^The irony on this one

And on and on you go,

Yes, clearly these are the words of a “reasonable person”.

Your trolling is so bad and everyone has called you out on it.

Either you are a troll and wilding like a clown or you are one of the worse narcissists I have ever had the displeasure of seeing put themselves on display. Pick one!



Write a thesis on matters you have no clue about.

He isn’t a clown. He is the entire circus.


I fail to see how any of that makes me an unreasonable person…

Ah more toxicity.

I admire your perseverance, Thelion. Alas, any prot warrior who refuses to use Demoralizing Shout and Shield Block in some content really doesn’t have a leg to stand on.


Then you are not very self aware are you? Either that or completely delusional.

Damn, I don’t even main prot warrior and I know I need to use those abilities.

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