I'm tired of people not speedrunning dungeons

I miss when trolls were intelligent, fun, and actually interactive :person_shrugging:

I ask for a smidge of continuity lol That’s all



I straight UP put my bnet out there, multiple times, and you know what I get? People wanting to run dungeons, and be cool.

I have yet to acquire my own stalker form the forums.

…Might be because they’re scurred.

You, on the other hand, are just making things up. Stop that.


He doesn’t want to show his main or the group he’s in because he’s so toxic that if others find out, he won’t be invited to any groups anymore. This entire post might just be because he’s so toxic and kicked out of groups so much that he decided to troll.

…or I’m wrong. :innocent:


oh boy Garmuck thinks adulting is easy.

I put my money on you probably being right! :rofl:


At least were all having fun!

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It’s mostly just to satirize people who were saying they were sick of people in dungeons speedrunning. He just took it a bit too far.


A good tank doesn’t just go by the pace THEY are comfortable with BTW. They start a few pulls to get a feel for the healer. If you pull too much and die, it ain’t on the healer.


Here’s a thing. “IF” you put in the description it’s a GOGOGO run and also made it clear before the start, then you were right to do so. If not then it’s just a horrible thing to do to a stranger who may have multitude of real life reasons to go slow, including but not limited to any medical or physical issues.

If you are not adding those fine details in the notes/title/description and making sure people know your mentality rather than assuming it, then YOU are the one clearly at fault here and doesn’t paint a good pic of behavior.


Oh yeah, I have nothing against the OP. This thread is entertaining if anything.



A good tank works with everyone in the group, not just 1, 2 or 3 people in the group.


I have never once been inflammatory, I am the victim here.

Kicking someone for being trash isn’t belittling them. Grow up.

It’s a Mythic, if you’re not prepared to speed run then stick to LFR and don’t waste my time.

That is true, I just used Healer because he said them specifically in a response.

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“stick to LFR and don’t waste my time”…

Nobody has told him the first wing of LFR doesn’t open up for another couple of weeks after Normal, Heroic and Mythic raids open up.


He doesn’t realize he isn’t the main character in life either…but here we are.


Well when it does open up they can go be casuals there, we don’t need more sandbags in our Mythic runs.

I’m curious. Who do you tank with class-wise? No character names or realms. What class?

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It’s not just that, reread your original post again.

Did you really expect coming in here posting your “opinion”:

You literally made yourself a target with every post and then egged on about how only you know the truth, that your opinion is gospel and fact and that everyone else but you is toxic for not agreeing, calling people trash,sandbags, etc…And even when people call you out to show your receipts, you go and deflect like there is no tomorrow.

Congratulations, you played yourself! You narcissistic troll! :rofl:


What do you think of the upcoming seasonal affix?

You keep on going with the name calling and the trolling, and I’ll keep on reporting your post.

Seriously, calling people trash, sandbags, etc… Being toxic isn’t something to be proud off, let alone anything anyone wants at all, on the forums, or in game.


Please show at what point in this post:

…you have been the victim, because you instigated this entire discussion.

Even the title of the thread comes across aggressively.