I'm tired of people not speedrunning dungeons

Totally fine, I usually tank and you sound like someone I would kick after they pulled and then didn’t listen.

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Funny enough I tank as well and kicked the healer as they they didn’t listen.

I’m glad these threads auto update, it’s fun watching this in real time lmao

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what lol


“I kicked out a healer out of my dungeon because I rather be toxic” is not free speech. And there is nothing I have posted that goes under any definition of “woke” anywhere.

A good tank should be able to pull all mobs and go straight for the first boss, then rinse repeat. Kick them otherwise. Gogogo! /sarcasm off

Jokes aside the dungeons right now looks like a joke but of course m+ will fix everything because eventually you’ll run into a wall where everything just kills you because you’re not good enough.

Yeah we have a very popular M+ guild and server group, I showed them this post and they saw my RaiderIO and offered me MULTIPLE spots.

I am currently picking and choosing through my options.

How is it toxic to kick an underperforming healer?

We know you just trollin, bruh.


What’s that popular guild?

I’m not revealing any identifying information as it will lead to witch hunting. I know you people are salivating at the thought of finding me in-game.

No, I’m just genuinely interested in which guild is “very popular.” I have played with some guilds from Destromath, is that the server?

How is it not toxic when you kick out a healer because you’re not given them a chance to keep everyone alive

1000 gold on “Something that clearly never happened outside of my very delusional mind and I am trolling like a madman”


I will say what it is after I get accepted into the groups I want to get into, I don’t want someone finding the name and whispering the leaders stuff about me trying to get me kicked. The internet is not a friendly place to free thinkers like myself.

I only give 1 chance. If you mess up, i’m already in LFG looking for a replacement and by the 2nd chance you’re out. Your replacement is waiting at entrance. That’s more than fair imo.

Ok then why were you not in their group in the first place even in SL?

This is getting really entertaining lol!

Oh no, as if it wouldn’t be the very real consequence to your very inflammatory actions.

Really too bad that Blizzard doesn’t allow that.

That’s rich coming from someone who literally posted on the GD forums about belittling other people for not being up to par with your “standards”. Hell, if those groups do exist, I hope they find out, because your behavior is just the worst.


Reasonable, I suppose… but we don’t know your main, so I’m not sure how anyone would manage to blackball you realistically. The guild’s not going to take “there’s some dude wanting to run M+ with you, I don’t know his name but don’t let him!” seriously.


Earlier you said you have a group, then said you don’t have a group, then said you are the party leader? So which is it?

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None of the above.


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