I'm starting to understand the Shaman plight

The MW casts its basically cast Elemental Blast or Lightning Bolt. It’s not interesting or engaging. You act like stacking MW is hard, lol.

I dont see how cutting out ele blast for 2 essentialy identical buttons whos only conditional is the wolf buff is any more interesting. Ur basically just taking ele blast and splitting it into 2 abilities. As outside of wolves one of the spenders is always going to be preferred anyway. And we rarely press ele blast outside of wolves.

Because it makes using your wolves more proactive than simply throwing them out and forgetting them. Elemental Blast is just the laziest patch-all that you have to take because it covers all elemental buffs and gives you additional buffs.

That’s why you have talents to prioritize the two, like Hailstorm. Very simple concept. You could even have Lava Burst consume the Flame Shock DoT on the target and do its full damage immediately.

Instead of ‘Oh, Elemental Blast is almost capping on charges’.

Your loss…

You have a link? Im not seeing it

It’s really not. A properly itemized Enhancement shaman in current content is casting Feral Spirits about every 25 seconds or faster, meaning we have about 60+% uptime on them, not counting the extra wolf we get from our tier bonus. Casting Elemental Blast during that 40-% downtime is wasting a charge that we should be banking for our next Feral Spirit window.

You are speaking with authority you do not have.

You are speaking with the notion everyone has BiS. Point? Not all of us want to be sentient calculators.

This is his main postings. 3 posts in a row.

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Appreciate it

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So many posts it’s already been kinda buried