I'm Sorry but BM is BAD! and we're not buffing it?

SFE should have a talent/glyph that acts like Vengeance DHs where it can be cast on target automatically instead of what it is right now.

People keep saying this, youre going by sims or you see this in action in your raids? Comparing BM to MM

Personal experience really. Can’t be in raids cause I don’t want to play mm. Can’t get into high level mythics because I play bm. I like it if bm can at least compete with mm but nope. Even a much lower fire mage can out dps me so ye.

I think youve given up before even trying. I compete with others in my raid, even beating MM’s sometimes. Im not playing with world first mythic raiders but they are good players. Our burst (or lack of) will make us look bad for the first minute, but as the fight goes on longer and longer we creep up the meters until we are in a competitive spot. At least thats my experience.


I do just fine in both raid and M+ and I don’t over play. The class has issues and could use a lot of love to fix the over all terrible talent rows and buggy pet auto casts but it is 100% viable and brings utility and flexibility. I am now averaging 5.3k DPS with the buffs to Rylakstalkers.

If your are struggling to pull a meaningful amount of damage it is likely because you are over casting Barbed shot and cobra shot. Wasting CD reduction on Beastial Wrath and Kill Command as well as focus generation over all.

The center of BMs DPS is Barbed shot. Mantling Frenzy and using BW as often as possible. Again if your struggling to pull the kind of damage you should be fore your gear level you are likely lacking in one of those two areas.

Imo in a lot of ways things are different if you are playing with a group that knows you well and pugging. If you are raiding and running dungeons with a consistent group, bm works just fine but in my case, pugging to do content is all I can manage atm. I just hit 215 ilvl which in a grand scheme of things is fine but I have had a 203 for months now. With just common sense, there is no way I can pull the sort of dps you’re talking about if I am limited by just one item.

‘Doing fine’ shouldn’t be something to work towards to when it comes to pure dps classes like hunters. The number should be close enough to compete but as of things right now it is not.

I know what you’re not saying which is bring the player not the class and I sort of agree. Bm atm is (again imo) limited both by its numbers and the general believe that if a class seems easy, it shouldn’t do damage. Maybe even the fact that the only reasons to bring a bm is for their lust/hero and tranq shots.

Sometimes it’s not just the player that is the problem. Struggling to maintain a certain dps shouldn’t all be just the players’ fault when there are myriad of reasons why.

For an example, in my most recent raid experience, I am of the same ilvl as a fire mage with the exception of my weapon being 203 and theirs being 194. Guess who hit almost 4.8k dps and who is aobut 3.8? No matter how highly skilled a certain players is, there is limit on how high they can be.