I'm so glad they removed layering on Herod

Your just dumb.

My just dumb? Do continue


That and every launch server was massively overpopulated.

I definitely considered moving and just trying to find a new group of people to play with. In fact, I still have characters on Stalagg and Skeram. Needless to say, I’m very glad I didn’t switch.

Blizzard really screwed up the launch of this game. They should have started with a MUCH larger number of realms and actively shown the numbers of reserved names on each server. Maybe next time they won’t make those mistakes (lol).

As far as Frosto goes, don’t worry about him. He’s just a troll.

I mean
 does anyone really care if a lvl36 on faerlina has “sympathy for herod”? I’m pretty sure that’d be a no.

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