Im sick of it

I am so sick of reading peoples comments on here how they are trying to defend unfair pvp item level gaps. You people are either:

  1. People who broke rating for the first time in there life.
    People like you who have been stuck in low rating for years finally broke a certain ranking and are defending the said system with your life because you finally broke rating by being carried and will do anything to justify why you aren’t a bad player.

  2. People who made massive profits this season
    People who made massive profits this season whether it be cash or ingame gold. People like you found a way to exploit crappy players by giving them false achievements. This is cheating and exploitation. This is a video game not your job.

  3. Blizzard is quietly supporting this.
    Obviously they’ve seen our post, obviously they don’t care. They are keeping there profits and until we as a whole community say FU to this, its going to happen and the only people in arena left will be the carrys and the moneymakers. Us legit players won’t be there anymore unless we are just being sadistic.

Yesterday I was playing some alts, and was playing with a family member in 2v2. I had 207 gear he had 200. We played against a warrior resto druid. Warrior had 40k, druid had 30k. We dropped the warrior to 5%, 3 times. 3 whole times he had less than 3k hp. Guess what, we still lost. This game is trash nowadays man.

Also I’d like to add, the resto druid trinketed the very first CC, warrior never disarmed or OFF cc’d. it’s embarrasing how bad gear is making up for peoples skill levels.


Yeah F*** all these boosters with their yachts and lambos I knew I should’ve dropped out of uni to make some real money :moneybag:


Congratulations on your first 1600 Skunk.

And yea, mad profits. Just because it isn’t direct doesn’t mean the streamers aren’t getting mad dough. Why do you think people stream for a living? Carrying people in arena is getting people lots of subs. Subs = money. It’s the same way these broke young couples get on youtube and in a year they are driving audi’s and junk because they made some lame soap opera about there boring life.

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How do you know :lying_face:

1600 peaker 4 lyfe

Because I’ve come to the conclusion if you aren’t upset about these issues then you’re apart of the problem.

The gear difference is trash but I’m still able to win games on my 205 ilvl characters vs people in 220+ because some people rely on gear alone.

Some games are hard, some are easier. Either way you can’t win them all and that’s okay.


Reread the second half of my post. We won the match 3 times vs an outgeared player but his healthpool + superior versa kept him alive. This is terrible. Losing a win just makes me lose all faith in arena.


All I read was that you got him low, not that you won. If you actually won you likely wouldn’t be here.


Alright bud apparently maths isn’t your best subject so I’ll help you. If said warrior was equal gear, he would have about 32 to 34k hp. If he had 40k hp, and we got him to 3k, 3 times, that means we effectively killed him in equal gear 3 different times. That means we did a total of 37k damage (more than his health pool in equal gear). This isn’t even considering his additional damage reduction from versatility. We won the match if he was equal gear.

Also on another note, just because you won against a few outgeared people doesn’t justify my post or the rest of the issues with this season. Curious as to what class you’re also playing wrecking on outgeared players, and also curious as to what rating you did this.

Classes like ret can pub stomp geared players in the 1200 backet who don’t know how to pvp but got RBG gear. Stuff like that doesn’t count.

I don’t think gear disparity is an issue for pvp. You can pve just like previous expansions to get gear. A combination of pvp and pve is still the optimal path to gear this season.

The problem, and it is HUGE, are the multiglads and r1s gatekeeping the cr brackets.

If they had their separate bracket after achieving glad or r1 you would have a much easier time reaching milestones for gear.

If you didn’t lose rating after reaching cr milestones like 1600, 1800, etc that would make gearing easier.

Compared to BFA pvp gearing is much better. We have a vendor. EXCEPT for the multiglad & r1 gatekeepers. If they didn’t exist in lower brackets pvp would be perfect.

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Gearing is a huge gap. Even with only 18% vers on my now mostly pve 216 spriest. All my gear is either 213pvp or 220 pve. If you’re not in 213+ pvp gear. You’re doing nothing useful against the fat deeepz you’re taking from me. Just one damnation (puts all 3 dots on you instantly) kills people sub 200il now.

What I am saying is that you should be able to beat a 220 player. But a 220 multiglad? Forget about it. You shouldn’t face 220 players THAT often in 1600 bracket. The reason you are facing them are the r1s and multiglad gatekeepers.

Depends on your gear. If You’re not 216il no. You won’t lol. Even if they’re trash. The flat damage is too high.

If good players had a separate bracket it defeats the purpose of a ladder lol

Bad people would get glad playing against other bad people then would move into the good player bracket to suck again then come here to complain

Gear is 100% the reason why skilled players are so rampant at lower cr

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Just because SL gearing is better than BFA gearing doesn’t mean either one of them is actually any good. Now you’re giving them too much credit. They know we all want equal ground pvp but it isn’t profitable enough.

Also, pve should have nothing to do with pvp. I don’t play wow for 1 hour pre-grouping to do 2 to 4 hours of content that will literally put me to sleep. It’s like pulling teeth whenever I even force myself to even run torghast. That is something I will confess that is more of a personal; however I believe many players to be like me as well. I’ve been into wow since vanilla, played till cata, quit for 8 years because life is life and MMO is too MMO. I have a two year old now and came back because of family playing wow and because of promises of an actual playable pvp side of the game that didn’t become too overwhelming for the grown adult. This is a personal issue because I am honestly tired of playing the MMO part of wow, but I cannot blame the game for being that way.

Anways, back to the subject at hand, I lost because of gear, not because of skill; that is absurd and should never be acceptable in a rated version of any game; and if memory serves right, gear is 100% more of an issue now than it ever was whenever I played rated wow in the past. This is not an issue that’s been around since the start and since blizz is profiting it’s probably something that they won’t change.

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It’s the glads playing at lower brackets causing the huge influx of 220 ilvl players. A 220 ilvl player with their gear alone should be 1800. (The ilvl gives the damage to be 1800) Why are they sub 1600? The r1s and multiglads with way higher skill can easily outplay gear.

Example, faced a rogue, hpal and 30k hp ret in the 2100 cr range. Rogue uses opener and shadow dance to stun everyone while hpal pops ashenhallow. If any of the teammates trinket, rogue stuns again and lands a kill with burst. Doesn’t matter your ilvl it will kill if you don’t expect this.

There are many of these strats that boosters and r1s use to outplay.

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Sounds like they used a lot of CD’s and you didn’t.

the gear disparity is huge, jesus christ how can people defend this stupid system lol, just lower the ilvl between honor and conquest gear, no more ranks on gear, bamm


My dh is 226 ilvl and my warrior is 225 ilvl. I grinded to get the gear. It’s always been this way in wow. I wish there was more grind but SL has the LEAST grind compared to bfa and legion.

If you faced less 220 players in the 1600 & 1800 brackets the problem would be solved. Right now the trouble is the r1 gatekeepers. It is making you think gear is the problem.

People with 220+ gear from rbgs vs people who buy it are probably 10 to 1. You’re trying to fix a new problem with a new solution rather than the easy route of fixing a new problem with an old solution. It’s been said on here many times, pvp needs an honor set and a conquest set with a scaling ilvl, or a pvp stat.

Your idea of messing with brackets would just ruin the ladder and make it even more terrible to play alts lol

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