Im really hyped, Grimrail Depot won!

If it makes you feel any better, your vote mathematically didn’t matter for that result. Iron Docks still would have won anyway :stuck_out_tongue:

I think all of the Warlords dungeons would have their problems in Mythic though. I don’t remember any that were specifically easy (though it’s also been a long time).

Yeah I wasn’t being completely serious but I did have a tiny bit a guilt since like I said, I don’t do mythic dungeons. However, I can promise you guys that I was trying to be nice.

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Can you imagine the fire gauntlet in slag mines on fort week lol

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Honestly hope they just throw Grimrail Depot out. It’s too linear, all the trash is required so there’s no inventive routes to make, and the tight spaces won’t work with half the affixes.

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Won’t be playing this, or any of 9.2.5 most likely. Unfortunate that grimrail done, can’t wait for the GD tears/complaints though.

Functionally no difference to mists for pathing, you can maybe skip one or two packs but overall your killing everything.

Grim Rail will be quick and the higher tier players will walk over it like its nothing, the people at the mid to low end will likely struggle a bit.

Not true. Before and after the maze has a lot of trash you don’t have to pull and can choose which packs you want to. There’s zero choice in Grimrail, you’re in a small linear corridor so you have to pull every pack.

Not just that but sometimes well, the answer is fixed. It doesn’t matter how many people vote or for what choice - the answer is predetermined.


I think it’ll be fun with affixes.

But I also loved pre-nerf Cata heroics.

Well now I know what not to run with pugs.

Wait until all the crazy requirements for comps come out for such a stupid dungeon.

The “Boaty McBoatface” of WoW.

I’m so confused…

THESE were the favorite dungeons? These?

Not Shadowmoon Burial Grounds which is both really pretty and really cool?

NOT AUCHINDOUN a dungeon with some of the best music and concept that felt so epic at the time?

Everyone that voted for grimrail should be permabanned.

SMBG + UBRS was clearly the way to go.

Grimrail Depot comes out this expansion…at least you pay attention.

The exact two I voted for actually.

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When people are hyped about something that came out 3 expansions ago, when Class design was abysmal you know Alaskan pipeline dingus is not going to do the trick this time around. :grimacing:

Thats even better. :partying_face: :partying_face:

Yeah it did…

10.0 is going to be really interesting, that’s for sure.