I'm ready for "The Walkout." Won't be returning until RSS has 5min Avg queues Max

It doesn’t matter how blizzard does it, they need to get it done.
Whether it’s a healer drought problem, a mmr problem, a gameplay problem, an incentive problem, IDC if they make a new DPS mode or whatever problems they have that are having, all i know is you click RSS and you wait 30+mins, this game is absolutely unplayable. And to think we are PAYING to play this?

I’m done. I’m ready. It’s time for THE WALKOUT.
I’ll be back Blizzard if you ever get it the point where you only wait 5 MINS on average for an RSS queue. I don’t care how you do it, it’s YOUR problem you should be fixing, thats why we pay $15/month for.

Till then, this is unbelievable.
Goodbye Blizzard.


awesome. if a lot of you idiots do this queue times might actually drop


Adios amigo.


You’ve been here the whole time and not talking to me!? I’ve been so bored!

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I just got back from making dinner sorry Mum I had no notifications.

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Mhmm, Grounded, go to your room, no nintendogs for you for the rest of the night.

I’m not suspended so I’ll just play WoW instead. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

:open_mouth: Im wounded worse than azeroths woons


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I’ve healed enough of those wounds so you’re on your own.

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Yeah! cause you’re a healer! you’re supposed to heal my burns, NOT CAUSE THEM.

Thats it, im done again #removehealersfrompvp2023

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Don’t you know every heal comes with a backhanded comment

I’m with the Lizard just make healers DPS and remove dps.

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Woah woah woah woah woah, We cant just “remove” a whole role from pvp. thats crazy talk


Not a whole role, 25 of them they are useless anyway nobody likes any of them with or against, useless bloat specs, I’d rather a tank at least they press their buttons.

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You cant just say stuff like that! What about all those poor dps that like pvp and DO hit their buttons!

It’s not worth it, every time I load into a BG and see a DPS I groan, it’s not fun to play with or against DPS who die all the time.

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Im pretty sure thats a word for word quote of something i said, changed for dps.
if so, Cold. I love it

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I thought we were doing a bit.

This is our thread now.

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I mean we were, i just didnt expect the quote you caught me off guard. Absolutely magnificent

The fact that people like this is disgusting. There is literally no other relevant game that has 20+ minute queues for a ranked mode


guys, i know i fooled you all. but surprise!! I don’t hate healers!!! I tricked all of you!!
I love healers, infact i play restoration shaman sometimes.

I only played the part, to try to get blizzard to do something, but blizzard ain’t gonna even bulge. they aren’t pivoting at all to my tactics this expansion. they seem to have learned my psychological tactics that i play with them, and are immune.

unlike in shadowlands when i was able to convince blizzard to get rid of the gear tier system, it seems like in dragonflight they don’t care anymore. they truly don’t. so im sorry i let you all down. i can’t fight for the people anymore, these 30 min RSS queues have absolutely DESTROYED me and my soul. I can’t anymore.

good bye everyone, ill forever leave these forums as your dark knight.
the hero that you need, but don’t deserve.