I'm out for now

You quit months ago, at this point you might just have to rely on the active battleground community for information. :wink:
Low level brackets are currently very active.

Weak auras leak, massive changes in design philosophy, blizzard personnel being offered early severance, their stocks dropping, etc.

Thats not anecdotal, I’m sure a lot would tell you their friends lists and guilds are inactive/dead as well.

So anecdotal evidence with bias. That isn’t fact where I come from.

Can I ask why you’re grinding gear instead of using heirloom armor?


According to roughly 50% of the players if these forums are any indicator.

Also, I wasn’t talking about the grievances shifting to twinks in legion. They shifted to the pvp’ers who want to put time into perfecting their secondary stats to line up with their talents and playstyle - of which twinks are included but hardly limited to this group. Legion removed that entire aspect, which to many was the main reason to PvP.

But you keep on defending them all you want bro. I respect your opinion. You’re not going to change my mind, and I feel that the fact those systems are not around anymore proves enough that they were failures. If not in your opinion, at least in the literal sense they were because they’re gone.


The forums represent a ridiculously small portion of the general WoW population. And twinks are likely far more overrepresented on the forums then your average Joe is. You have twinks threads for specific brackets on the forums for pete’s sake.

So no, that 50/50 split is actually pretty pathetic considering your average wow player isn’t going to be going to the forums as much as twinks are.

(Bad) players that use gear as a crutch weren’t happy with templates. People with the mindset that because they no-lifed it to farm the gear they automatically should curbstomp a freshly maxed character. In other words, skill means little when you can simply overpower with gear.


You realize they merged the xp on/off queues back together because of the introduction of templates right? That wasn’t because the split was a failure, it was because twinks were normalized with everyone else and didn’t need to be separated anymore.

For now the queues are still together, but we’ll see how long that lasts. There was a reason the queues were split since patch 3.2. That doesn’t say failure to me.

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Some rich material here, I would presume this style/type of video game is not what you are looking for.


Coming back with more “facts” are you Willy?

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He’s not wrong templates were trash I didn’t know a single person back in legion at max level who liked it the game was fine without it and will be again all blizz has to do is go back to mop/wod system boom done


Depends on who you ask.

Hi nice to meet you.

Everyone has opinions. There were people unhappy with that too.

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