I'm out for now

No ill will towards anyone, I just don’t seem to be digging this expansion.

Low level battlegrounds aren’t fun unless I spend inordinate amounts of time gearing for them. Shutting my experience off every 5 levels to grind relevant gear so I can be competitive in the bracket I’m leveling in is a waste of time. I just can’t be bothered anymore.

Not saying splitting the queues or templates will bring me back, but it could factor into me returning.

I’ll still be around until my sub lapses. Until then, happy holidays :slight_smile:


Game’s cooked, it’ll be F2P by the end of the year.

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That’s like 5 days from now. Will I get refunded my sub?


Imagine playing this game and the only content you do is level. I guess I would quit too then.


Can you hear that rustling in the distance? The twinks, they’re coming to tell you to git gud.


Lol, these poor twinks.

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I was gonna chime in on the same note, seems weird OP stop XPing to compete in BGs, only to then level out and try again in the next bracket…but only to level out of that one too…

Seems like a pretty torturous experience you’re putting yourself through totally unnecessarily, OP.

How do you suggest staying competitive when I enjoy leveling through battlegrounds?

If I don’t shut exp off when grinding gear I’ll be nearing the end of the bracket by the time I’m entering battlegrounds.

The issue appears to be thay you’re limiting your enjoyment to one rather specific thing - leveling while also doing instances PvP- in a game fundamentally based on having tons of different things to do.

What most people would say when trying to lvl through pvp but getting stomped on a few times is “it’s probably a lot more efficient to level doing other things” and then do those things. Alternatively, they might say “I want to be as comparative as the guys who stomped me, I’m gonna gear up to compete with them.”

But you go a rather original route. You don’t want to level through other means, while still wanting to lvl, and while still being competative in PvP.

That doesn’t exist in WoW and it never really did aside from early vanilla. You’re basically looking for something that doesn’t exist in this game. You either dominate in pvp while not leveling, either as a twink or max lvl, or you level through pvp while competing with people who’ve been there longer than you and have better gear than you.

I fully understand you leaving a game if it doesn’t provide what you want and I don’t judge you for it. It just seems weird that you limit your potential enjoyment to something that never really existed at all in this game.


Legion templates say hello. XP on/off separation says hello.

Didn’t have too much of an issue when exp off was separated.

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Gone but never forgotten. :pensive:

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If this is all you do in the game then I am guessing you are wasting your 15 dollars …


I say this all the time when I get rocked in bg’s lol and you know what, we all comeback. It’s that competitive nature in you that wants to shove your sword/dagger in that gnomes back while he /giggles in corner.

Don’t stress Paladin, take a break and go play another game in the mean time. We’ll see you soon :kissing_heart:

Oh yeah, there totally was templates and xp on/off. And both of those solutions to the problem being discussed were both so valid that they’re still around, and this isn’t a problem, and it’s been solved.

You can argue for small portions of wow’s existence attempts were made. They were failed attempts. If you’re saying we should go back to those things, I’d respect your opinion but say that for myself and a large, likely majority, part of the player base those solutions didn’t fix anything. They only migrated grievances from one portion of the player base to another.

In my opinion, the reason both of those attempts didn’t stick is because, as I said, it’s not really wow. Those were attempts to make fair pvp a wow thing. I respect those attempts. I also respect they were failed attempts.

According to who? BFA is on life support as it is, the pvp isn’t exactly the pinnacle of WoW’s existence either. Legion and the period of xp on/off separation had more participation then BFA. At this stage of WoW’s life it should be encouraging new blood to enter battlegrounds, but instead its a slaughter.

Of course, they shifted the fun from people who liked to casually pvp to twinks. BFA has made a lot of poor decisions in general that they are now having to backtrack. For now twinking isn’t on the radar, but if pvp participation dips too low they might backtrack and set it on the casual path again.

By all means enjoy twinking. i haven’t been in a bg in months, I simply have no interest fighting against them. I’ll wait it out and unsub. See if they choose to go back to separate queues or templates.

Your own question directed at you


Who says thats all I do? Battlegrounds while casually leveling alts are a nice change of pace. Twinks have this mindset, why would it be unusual that I do too?

Queues are faster now than during Legion within all of the lower brackets.
AB and Eye of the Storm are on constant rotation for many brackets that rarely saw these pop outside of weekends and peak hours.

Sample size?

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The sharp drop in subscribers. Never claimed it was solely because of pvp, but with less subscribers there are less pvpers. Kind of logical.

