That you obviously cannot read.
Apparently not.
As I don’t see a negative to changing the meta that’s been the meta for a decade.
99% of you aren’t even in a guild that’s going to do this, you just want something to complain about.
Petitioning to transform Eyr into a Tauren to make the experience 10x more enjoyable.
Dude runs in a guild that uses 13 healers and he’s worried about what the meta is gonna be lmfao.
I don’t believe this.
This I do believe and it should 100% be changed.
The sharding is awful and ruins the game. I cant stand that i could walk right past my best friend and I cant even have one of those “Hey” moment. Give a little wave. And feel like im part of a community.
WoW fresh / Classic runs like a retail server because its focused around your own progress instead of feeling like a member of the realm.
I have friends of 20+ years from original vanilla because we always ran into each other in certain places which grew into a real friendship.
The game is just setup to have as many people pursue end game with no community.
Sorry your post was filled with trolls, as usual.
One less rogue killing people with 3 quest mobs on them at low health wow im sure upset about this one
Also its 1 mega realm. You wanna wait in 6 hour queues?
Exactly this. Players have been asking for answers on this and as usual no reply. I’d have liked to play with others up to 60 with an active server, but have no desire to continue to TBC.
Especially when you consider that the TBC and Wrath Classic they presented had a boatload of changes. I suspect those changes will be included, and probably a lot more.
Gotta condition the players for retail …
I just have 3 placeholder characters on the Anniversary server, and am currently playing hardcore on DP. My time is valuable, not going to waste it again on a mode that they can’t even be transparent about the future on. Been there done that too many times already.
Whether or not you like him, he’s got a point.
This company could at least tell the players asking a simple yes or no.
#bringbackjoyousjourney movement
Yes, this bothers me too.
Could we please get a little more information? It will not hurt - I hope.
It doesn’t bother 99% of players.
It’s nice to see someone else say that. It’s the same for me. I can still talk to some people from my Vanilla server and we’ll remember the same guilds, people, and encounters from almost 20 years ago. I shared a video with a person on the other side of my Vanilla server just few months or so ago and he told me he remembers that battle and thinks back to it from time to time.
This is the real game IMO, it’s what made the game fun. Gear drops and rotation have never stopped in Retail.
I’d say the same about my 5 year old Classic server but it’s easier to remember things from 5 years ago.
The dealbreaker for me was Blizzard not even releasing an RP PVP server despite a lot of people asking for just that. Blizzard only wanted to flex about having massively populated servers that feel exactly like Retail where the real game of Vanilla can NEVER play out. I could tell by the X post by Tom Ellis when closing Chaos Bolt that this was the direction, but seeing things play out this strongly to where Blizzard won’t even release a server for those who care the most about community is still highly annoying.
Was never a thing on Classic 1.X series of gaming at any point ever.
It was however a component of the 2.X+ series of games.
As a result there is no “bring it back” because it never was.
you could be playing solo on a dead server for your entire experience as well without sharding. thank blizzard and like it.
No one cares, bye.
things that didn’t happen for 1000 please alex.
I mean it did happen, but should I bother to dig up proof for someone who is just a rude troll who wouldn’t believe it anyway?
No. That’s a waste of time.
whatever helps you sleep at night mate.
don’t speak to mootwo that way show some respect
We’ve presented multiple downsides over and over of having dual spec in vanilla. Talking directly about how the way it is implemented right now. It should not function the way it does where you can change specs without being in an inn. This goes for TBC as well.