I'm losing my dad to dementia

I feel for you. My one grandpa had two of his sisters have it. It was heartbreaking to watch the deterioration. Yet there were those random times where it seemed like for just a short time they seemed to remember things that you would of swore they forgot. Stay strong and know that the most important thing in the end is you are there for him even if he can’t remember sometimes.


man my grandmother she is 84 and shes in the later stages of dementia , luckily shes in a alzheimers treatment nursing home getting the care she needs


Horrible tragic illness.

Tell him every day how much you love him.

All the best to you and your family.


It sucks man, I know exactly how you feel.

I lost my mom last August to lung cancer. It was metastatic by the time she was diagnosed, having spread from her lungs to her brain and from her brain to basically everywhere else. What shocked me was just how rapidly she deteriorated. I distinctly remember the last phone call I had with her, where she complained of her short-term memory loss and how she kept dropping the phone. I saw her in person two weeks later and she didn’t know who anybody was. She only barely recognized my dad and my uncle (her brother), and she didn’t know who I was at all. I got into town on a Friday, and she was gone the following Monday.

It was, by far, the most horrifying thing I’d ever experienced, and I only saw a fraction of it. I always knew that there were fates worse than death, but that’s not something you can fully internalize without actually seeing someone experience that fate right before your eyes.

My mom was a tough woman. Super outdoorsy, loved to run, loved her kickboxing classes, loved the community outreach stuff she did with her church. And I saw what she was reduced to. I remember giving her a little ginger ale to drink, piping it into her mouth from a straw, and she couldn’t swallow it. Like she had forgotten how to swallow entirely. I looked into her eyes right then, and… there was nobody there. Totally vacant.

I’m so sorry about your dad. Seeing someone you love go through that… words can’t even describe it. I have two pieces of advice: Try not to let your memories of him be tainted by what you’re going through right now and, when you’ve got the time, go see a mental health counselor. Good luck, and best wishes to you.


Sorry to hear this. Please try to enjoy every moment you can with him. Take more videos and pictures if you can of both of you doing more things. It sucks. Hopefully a cure will come soon. But hold on to today while you have it. Its called the present after all.


don’t forget to take care of yourself as well, OP. I’m sorry you’re going through this.


Hey… I dunno if we have ever had interactions or verbal kombat on here or not… but if you need someone to talk to, scream at, or whatever… shoot me a mail in game. I know I’m one of those people that you either love or hate… but first and foremost I am one of those people that cares about other people and won’t let someone fight alone.

Read above… same goes to you or anyone else that needs someone.


Sorry to hear that :heart:


Look up the Alzheimers Association online.

Also, if you want to donate painlessly to the association, you can use Amazon’s Smile program.

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I’m very sorry, Vi.

Losing a parent is never easy. I hope the fact you are still able to share some time with him and remember some of the good times is a comfort to you.

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I don’t envy you. I went through the exact same thing a while back.

Hoping something amazing happens for you today.

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This really hurts to read. Prayers to you and your family. Losing family really hurts. Just try and comfort him and give a bunch of love but don’t forget to try and take care of yourself as well.

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I’m sorry you are having to go through this. Few things in life are tougher than saying the long good-bye to a loved one. Please accept my sympathies, I’ve been there myself.

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I am not good at expressing emotions like this in words, but in my heart I am crying for you and praying for you.

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I feel ya brother. My moms in the late stages of Alzheimer’s. Its the hardest thing ive had to do, and go through in my entire life. Stay strong!

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Sometimes you just need to talk. Get out what’s on your mind. A lot of us here will listen to you :slight_smile: Life can be very rough. I lost my grandpa to lung cancer a couple years ago. I miss him, I regret not visiting him one last time. My bird actually just died a few days ago as well from renal carcinoma. Stay strong friend, I know it’s hard but make sure to let your family know how much you love them and how highly you think of them. I could rest easy knowing I made my family happy. I wish the best for you and your family <3

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Thanks for all the nice words and those who shared their stories also. Its nice to know we dont walk through life alone.


Best of luck and prayers to you and yours.

I’ve had to deal with a grandfather and a grandmother go through that as well as a mom starting to show signs.

Best advice is to stay strong and be patient. Not going to lie or blow smoke and say it gets easier because it won’t. Just support not only your Dad but be there for other family members. It will affect everyone involved. /comfort
If it gets too much? Log on, go for a walk, workout or call someone to vent. Please don’t bottle it up. Speaking from experience here, it does nobody any good if it breaks you to the point you start self-destructing.

Good thoughts and prayers heading your way. I know you’re just words on a screen and a forum, but to me, still a person.

Stand fast and good luck.


Im loosing my tamagochi to dementia

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I feel your pain my dad’s mom had it before she died in 08 at the age of 94 and my moms dad has been put into hospice care with Alzheimers at nearly 90.

It is hard to watch those you once looked up to slip away like that . All you can do is remember them how they were and even if they don’t know it or won’t remember it always let them know they are loved .