I'm happily shocked, Blizz!

I wouldn’t be caught dead ridding that mount.

Same, but I can at least admit it is F A B U L O U S !

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As a paladin I’ll gladly trade the pink to whoever wants it for another color.

:joy: :rofl:
Now it looks like a warlock minion.

Right? How in the world does a box feature new race wind up just barely reskinned blood elf guys and human gals? How does the dragon form of a box feature new race wind up a reskinned warlock pet? How is this ok, Blizz?


:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: We have a dev who replied (though as they said they aren’t on the art team so they aren’t able to promise anything), so we know blizzard knows we want pink.


It does look pretty nice in purple.



Dracthyr use the Worgen skeleton, not a pet. And I’m not a fan of it because the whole point of allied races was reusing skeletons, which is why they weren’t just called new races lol.

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That’s the first one I like

Well done

They use the new incubus model.

It looks so incredible. I love it

It’s the worgen skeleton. I don’t know if the incubus uses it too but it’s the worgen Skeleton.

People were debunking the leak being fake by showing how you could very much tell it was the worgen and said it’s probably from a private server.

I’m quite disappointed too. Honestly the entire race feels reused and recycled.

The more I notice recycled features on them, the more I feel Blizzard took the easy route so they didn’t have to design something new

Visage form is only elf and human, which means only having to fit armor/customizations to two races

Dragon form is a reskinned Worgen with a dragon head glued on so they only had to build the head rig/model and change the feet/tail

They don’t wear armor except the easiest pieces to fit on the model (shoulders)

And they don’t have separate gender models which means only having to design 1 model AND only having to fit the armor on one model

Dracthyr look pretty good for being recycled, but it makes me wonder how good they could’ve looked had Blizzard gone with a brand new design

It’s just…. Disheartening I guess.

Maybe the Evoker gameplay will be so good I won’t notice the rest. Fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:

Maybe they both use the worgen skeleton and I guess that makes it even worse.

But yeah, bottom line, a new, box feature race should not be reskin. I’m just astounded that we’re at this point.


Looking at them side by side, I really don’t like how the Dracthyr wings are round and soft like that

The incubus looks far more menacing with his sharp lines and harsh edges :face_with_monocle:


More colors of ever hue and tone would be very much appreciated, even if I would never use them. More options for every aspect of customization!

The dragon form just looks bad in general. The hips shouldn’t be wider than the torso. The hips especially shouldn’t be wider than the shoulders… seriously needs to be fixed.


Completely possible they used the female worgen for the Incubus then too lol.

But yea, all they did was add an extra toe, a spiky thing on the back of the knee, and relaxed the arms during combat and thought we wouldn’t notice.

The claws are pretty much the same on both, as well.


Why do Dracthyr even have a visage form?

And the heads are just so small. Looks so weird.