They technically do.
Draenei paladins are Vindicators.
Zandalari are Prelates.
Tauren are Sunwalkers.
Blood Elf ones are Blood Knights.
They technically do.
Draenei paladins are Vindicators.
Zandalari are Prelates.
Tauren are Sunwalkers.
Blood Elf ones are Blood Knights.
No, I mean I wish it were reflected in-game. Like the tooltip on a Zaladin would say they’re a prelate, and NPCs would call them “prelate” instead of “paladin,” etc.
As long as it’s a female Dwarf Paladin specced Prot who uses the rolling pin as their sword transmog.
I had an alt like that for quite some time. It was the best!
so… tallying up the votes it’s a tie for which dwarf i go with (i think. i might’ve miscounted). still, appreciate everybody’s input!
Whichever has the better combat racials…Oh wait wrong faction
Go forth and conquer the wetlands.
Eh. That’s a lot of work for a small indie company whose only working employees are mistreated women while the frat boy culture plays games.
One of each is the solution.
After a few weeks compare the gold earned, you will know which is your favorite. Heh
Dark Iron because of them sexy firebeards.
Dwarf paladins always strike me as the penultimate “chill” paladin. Unsanctimonius, down-to-Azeroth, bon vivants and all around good folks.
Bronzebeard gets my vote
I had a dwarf pally once, had to delete him to make something else I wanted. That sucked… Really liked that dude but alliance alts get the axe first.
The arch racial you can deal without; mole machine is right useful. Combine that with Eng and you’ll get around the map so easy! Plus, fire beard.
Keep in mind that Blizzard has more or less abandoned achaeology.
Even if they didn’t, Dark Irons frankly have better racials: Along with the mole machines you also get: Faster movement indoors IE all raids/dungeons, 1% physical damage reduction, and a better version of normie dwarves cleanse.
I absolutely love Dark Iron dwarves but…for paladin i’d go classic Dwarf. It just feels right.
Oh, Lord, this actually made me lol.
OP, I’m in the traditional dwarf column. Dark Irons are fine, but if you can only make one, make it the OG. (However, making one of each is a real solution.)
Because all the original cool paladins were dwarves? At least I always thought so.
Humans taught the dwarves the Paladin ways
Fair enough, blood elves perfected it though.
White and black armor on a fire dorf is pretty nifty.
Ye had me in the first half, not gonna lie. My counterpart with an oddly similar name says you’re a good’n so I’ll not start a fuss.
How can anyone look at me and think I’m not the most chill dude on Azeroth? I even had the super easygoing shades!
Don’t forget the Dark Iron racial, fireblood! At level 60 I get 183 Strength for 8 seconds, plus much more if the ability cleanses any afflictions.
And at the end of the day, either way you want to rock it is going to work. Dwarves in general aren’t well represented, so we tend to stand out.
Dwarf paladin is the correct decision
Are you implying Stoneform isn’t bananas