I'm Glad That

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Heā€™s trolling

Iā€™m a hardstuck duelist now. Need my nap time at 3pm, need my bed time at 6pm. Anything that isnā€™t handed to me by afks and wintrading is a loss.

My name is swole

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yeah that was how i got my 2.2 hpal 2s that season. figured out how to beat the double blood dk team 2 times in a row and got madd points. played frostmage/hpal and gemmed all mastery and spam overhealed so the shield absorb would be always up

Very interested in how you queued into double tank when you arenā€™t allowed to q with 2 tanks or 2 healers for 5 expacs now

He was talking about during MoP when before dampening we had ā€œthe crowd chooses youā€ during that time double blood was a thing.

o ic i dont read too muhc work old man duelist hands

We all know Swole doesnā€™t actually work, put probably does a bit too much of the :clap::peanuts: