I'm glad RDF isnt in the game. Thank you for hearing my voice Blizzard

Classic wrath will be WAY better than original wrath because of no lfd. Just a fact.


Don’t forget Wintergrasp being made a cross server instanced BG when it wasn’t one originally.


Original wrath didnt have RDF until icc, so there will be no difference in that regard.

Same faction PvP wasn’t in classic either, in fact i was EXPANSIONS later, yet here we are. Queued BGs and battle masters weren’t put in until patch 1.6 in vanilla, but yet classic launched with it. Saying it “wasn’t in the game until X” is a strawman.


Original wrath also didnt start at patch 3.3.5 like we are… Are you missing the point?


Those things dont impact player progression whatsoever. They are irrelevant to the enjoyment of the game, and only serve to sooth the negative features of the abomination that is giga mono faction meme servers.

But we aren’t starting on the original patch. The patch we are starting on had RFD. I mean, if we are going to go down this road, then start rolling out patches and no changes from the original. I would love to play my Blood DK and totally wreck face for half the expansion.


If they launched WoTLK with its original patch the game would be as it was at launch. Im sure you want DK’s and ret paladins running around 1 shotting everyone.


Yeah and ICC was out in 3.3.5, why isnt it open in 3.3.5??? weird!

Same faction BGs don’t even exist in Retail. They have mercenary mode, but that isn’t the same thing.

settling for a god awful dungeon finder. Very fun

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Lmao… I really don’t know what to say to you bro. Its not in the game because they’re gating the game by phases as usual. All hope is lost for you. I think im done responding because you are lacking brain cells.


Translation: I like this feature, so we should keep it. I don’t like your feature, so we should get rid of it. Got it.


Why cant you see that RDF should be a part of the gated phases? What do you think the point of the phases are? RDF Directly impacts the access to infinite badges.

RDF locks you out from heroics after you do them, there is no infinite badges. You’re literally spewing nonsense. You did no research at all and its very clear. Just stop.


The only negative to not having RDF is that you need to talk to people and spend 5 minutes flying to a dungeon.

You are wrong, you can individual queue for heroics and that locks you, but you can still infinite queue random heroics to keep going. I literally sold random queues all day in original wrath on my warrior


RDF isn’t just for level 80’s, low levels can use it to level up too. DO RESEARCH BEFORE EVER POSTING AND ASSUMING THINGS.


I know more about this game than you could ever possibly know.

He’s a troll. I wasn’t sure at first, but now it’s obvious.