nope just trying to have conversations where i advocate for what i like seeing in game, in a good discussion format.
id agree with this
I run a sizeable pugging community on whitemane because i refuse to GDKP, so you could construe it this way unironically.
Iâll take your preference into account but generally iâll respond as I see fit.
i dont see what you think toxicity and character attacks do for your arguments or advocacy here. do you think if you scare off everyone who doesnt agree with you blizzard will give you what you want?
Meanwhile your very first words to me was to call me abusive. Real conversation builder.
You run pugs because you dont like how others run pugs and that builds community how. Its cool that youre providing people with options, almost like thats what were here advocating for, so im glad you understand the concept at its core and openely admit to being a selfish player. Its really just options for you and those needed to get you loot basically. I got you.
Oh does someone not like character traits being assumed about them from a single comment? small violin.
You even agree to being selfish, so I really dont believe the other traits im assuming are far off from the mark, if any at all.
Nope, isnt the goal. I personally do not care what someone on the forums thinks of me, or even those in game on my own realm. I advocate for retaining classic era games in line with their original selfs while making changes that specifically benefit player accessibility to content, especially content that is not the highest levels of their respective fields, like battlegrounds and instances. Im not a diplomat, nor your friend. I will talk, or type to you, how I want to talk or type to you. If you dont like me calling a selfish self righteous player a selfish self righteous player, then do not present yourself as a selfish self righteous player.
Same! this we agree with, within tos. I will call out fallacies in your statements where it benefits me, and if that makes you look silly to people reading or stops you from being toxic or using fallacies, than thats a wonderful outcome.
OK 1st off blizzard didnât hear your voice if they cared what the players wanted bots would not be such a problem.
Are you really as nice enough to think this is going to continue to be the case into wrath Through the entirety of the game because the reality is theyâre taking away accessibility from accessibility from casual players joining the game with no LFD.
At some point the pool of players for you to do your activities is going to dry up What will you do then ?
They do this a lot, they insult most people who disagree with them, and then they go on about how pro-RDF people always insult anti-LFD people and anyone who doesnât agree with them.
This is my first post, to which you responded with:
So go on. Tell me more about how im exaggerating the truth and abusing op when his entire stance is that rdf is better, thus, players would use it, and he broadly strokes that with mmo players which includes himself. Tell me more about how that isnt self admittance to a lack of self control when he would still be presented with the option of manually forming groups.
No, it doesnt, because im asking how you doing this:
Builds a community. I guess we really just need to define community though. I have a feeling your sense of community is âeveryone who helps me can get scrapsâ as you openly stated:
See now thats hyperbolic.
Even assuming that i am making the truth bigger than it is, it still relies on me using the truth as a baseline. You are openly just committing the fallacy fallacy. The notion that someone is wrong off of the usage of a fallacy.
You have to resort to it as a desperate attempt to defend your side, because all logical points have been countered numerous times on here, and the points that rely solely on a mythic concept of a social structure is based solely on the players, and people like you dont want to admit that players in 2022 are not 2007 players.
You are honestly the worst type of wow player. Atleast im clear with the fact that i dont care about the players around me, but you want to maintain the status quo where you have power. Hence why you host non gdkp runs, right? You want the loot but you dont want to pay for it because others in your raid exist solely to provide you with things.
Its pretty clear who you are.
Selfish, power hungry, obnoxious, and taking full hits of copium. Zzz, youre boring now that i figured you out.
never said you any one was wrong only said that the use of the fallacy isnt proving their point. It doesn prove the opposite. Now youre using the False dilemma fallacy, to tell me im implying something im not. Fallacies make you look silly, not wrong.
DID anywhere in here i saay that using a fallacy disproved your point?
Im going to save you the time, im not reading anything more you say. Any response i would have, i have already stated. If you want to continue, just reply, and reread my last reply to you. Have fun champ.
Edit: because this wasnt stated, i do not care about the forums either. I was happier when i was silenced because the wow community and by extension the forums, is the worst community i have ever seen. Stay coping my friend.
if this presents anything approaching similar efficiency in gearing im all for it man. i think it would probably require more, but that would def require playtesting.
every day is the same on these forums, forum troll posts mildly controversial topic, 50 people reply and destroy him, nyseine comes in after watching his latest patreon exclusive jordan peterson debate and starts dartboarding words all over the place and flailing around for hours until people get bored of his control+f and stop responding to him
The perk to RDF could be quicker and more frequent dungeons runs especially for those who find it difficult for whatever reason to routinely find accessible, manually formed groups. Again though, give them the fully authentic Wrath version.
Give friends, family, guildies and any other version of a manually formed group five extra badges per run for taking the extra step and it will push people to make friends and join guilds or even just tough it out with some randoms and maybe make some friends or find a guild that way.
If part of the deal was the socialization aspect then reward the people being social. Or reward them more as it were - RDF can boast things like the teleport and the little buff and whatnot.