I'm excited to see what original owners of the Feldrake will be getting!

Oh I see, so it’s a clique of special snowflakes basically. Is there a club for blunt pieces of :poop: like me? Can I have like black text or something outlined with white to clarify that I will hold a petty argument with you for an entire night if it comes down to it?

It’s an infinitely* reproducible video game asset.

The people who think they’re special for having it in their collection on the online video game account they RENT access to, who are complaining that other people are getting the same ugly as poop mount that no one will ever actually use seem to be the entitled ones, imo.

Alright we’ll pick it apart then.

First: being condescending while trying to take the high ground just looks bad.

Second: I never asked for everyone to think I’m special. I asked for Blizzard to at least acknowledge people who made a point of getting this mount years ago.

Third: A glorified roulette game? Sounds like pretty much every aspect of loot drops in the game, including gear and mounts?

Lastly: Whoosh You missed the point entirely. You’re acting like my only argument is that achievement based mount rewards that are no longer obtainable are comparable to no longer obtainable TCG mounts. They are comparable in that they’re both no longer obtainable, and should stay that way. Regardless of how they were earned, and this wasn’t my sole argument either.

TL;DR Bootlick harder please

Why? You never owned it, Blizzard does lol. Why would they acknowledge people running around with their own property?

Same. Never made sense to me that raid mounts could be earned when the season is over but not glad mounts. It’s a double standard

You’re right, it’s Blizzard. I can’t expect them to give a **** about the players.

I mean considering they let you use it for however long, I would say they do. You could have just bought some worthless cards and got absolutely nothing in game lol.

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I wouldn’t have bought the cards if that were the case.

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So far, it looks like y’all will be getting to touch grass.

Exactly lol.

I’m hungry, anyone want food

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Do it.

About time companies started reminding people they aren’t the special snowflakes they think others view them as.

Big giant who cares? what you’ve obtained and how you obtained it. Others having the same stuff you do doesn’t diminish the item, it diminishes your ego. That is a self help issue that only you can solve by not having others obtaining things mess with your personal enjoyment.

I say release it all as I love options and you can honestly never have enough of them.


You referred all constructive argument from yourself to a council member’s post and said “Community council. Nuff said” and you think that doesn’t make you look bad?

But only if they’re community council members right? Ignore everybody else’s 2 cents.

One costs food money one doesn’t.

It’s only being openly attainable for 2 days. Do you know how many people are going to miss that opportunity, don’t look at the forums or may even unfortunately just happen to not pay attention to the game for those 2 days?

“Community council. Nuff said.” Bootlick harder please.

I agree. You know what, Blizzard should remove “soulbound” from the game. Make all items tradable. All mounts, gear, pets, characters, everything all tradable. That’d be fun.


Did we just become best friends?

I’ve been dying to get rid of the battle pets I cannot remove from my account. Be amazing along with all the mounts I accidently collected over the years.

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I think so. Kumbaya.

“WTT SSN1 SL Glad mount 4 SSN2 WoD Glad mount PST”

Imagine how much fun trading achievements would be finger tapping head.


I feel genuine concern for Humans finding an incapability to understand the value of uniqueness.

“Let everybody have everything.” I should go into your house and steal your personal crafts. Why should it be special to you? Why should only you have it? Everyone should have everything everyone else has! Value doesn’t exist in my brainz, if there’s nothing else like your special items then let’s get factories making them too!

remember the fire crown, helm of winter, and helm of darkness?
you get nothing.
sorry bro bro

The difference here is you would be shot once you passed my threshold and in a make believe game I wouldn’t care because I’m just vibing.

Weird take.

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