I'm excited to see what original owners of the Feldrake will be getting!

even the obsidian worldbreaker is only owned by 40% of players and that was available for far longer than the 60-hour fel drake window. i very much doubt 40% of players are gonna spend 4 hours watching a stream they don’t care about, given the sheer number of HOW DO I DROP TWITCH threads on GD, so stop crying, it’ll still be decently rare.

yep that’s the one. guess i never had to feel guilty that i cut the heart tag off of the one i had when i was a kid

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beanie babies and their super-duper totally real collectability as a whole were dry runs for NFTs and i love that my generation will not learn from either experience, rofl

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Says it all. The context of most of your responses also speaks volumes. You talk down to people constantly when they disagree with you. Just let them be. Learn to agree to disagree. It’s a healthy choice.


I heard Ion is going to personally drop by your house with your McDonalds order from Doordash.

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I hope he doesn’t forget the dip this time

theres a common photo that’s reposted on reddit a lot, of a couple going through a divorce trial that are on the floor in the courtroom dividing up their beanie baby collection under supervision of the judge. people really thought those things would be worth something

This would be awful and should never happen. TCG items are not advertised as time sensitive, nor prestigious. Yes, they’re rare, but not trophies. Elite mogs and glad mounts are trophies and should remain gone when it’s over.

And I say that as someone who owns the Feldrake and has for a couple of years. I have no cares they’re giving it away via Twitch drops. It wasn’t advertised as time sensitive, nor should it be treated as such. Does it suck for the people who dropped a lot of money on it? Sure, I guess. But it’s not some kind of problem.

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Yes, it does. It talks about perspective. Just as you talked about perspective. I gave examples for perspective, as well.

So thanks for proving that not once did I say people couldn’t give their opinions. :+1:

No you just assumed that was the case, Blizzard themselves never once stated that as fact. Also I still think it’s hilarious all these people crying over a $3500 mount being given out when the Perpetual Purple Firework is worth $7500, but you don’t see anyone who has that crying lmao.

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Ya know… if I get chicken nuggets without sauce one more time… I’m gonna throw fries everywhere!

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The feldrake is an ugly mount that when I receive it, won’t ever be used.

It’s awesome that you were able to go to Walmart 12 years ago and buy a bunch of card packs and eventually pulled out a code for a mount. That is awesome!

However, Gladiator mounts are earned through skill (yeah yeah someone will quote me about people buying carries, I’m talking about legitimate Gladiators) and in-game time/effort. It’s not the same as driving to the local big box store, grabbing a few things off the shelf and paying for them in the checkout lane. In fact, I manage to do it every week for my groceries! I don’t, however, ask that everyone think I am special because I was able to do that.

Stop comparing mounts earned through in-game activities that require skill and dedication to a glorified roulette game. It’s not the same.


Better sell your account quick before it looses 3k in value.

community council
nuff said

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I agree with this.

must be terrible to have green or gold text, since actual clowns like this guy focus on the color instead of any decent argument you might make. sucks to suck i guess


Lol. I don’t even register that colored text as anything different, it’s why I treat them the same way I treat anybody else. I don’t even know what the community council is all about, they’re still people behind a screen that I guess have to act in a certain “approved” way?

nah those are the MVPs, the greenies. i dont think community council have to follow any rules. just means they’re part of the exclusive club that can talk to the devs

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They should bring back the spectral tiger, I wanna see REAL outrage