I'm excited to see what original owners of the Feldrake will be getting!

i think i deserve a chocolate cake right now. is someone going to give me one

I can’t link quotes properly. :face_holding_back_tears:

If they do you better share.


i can hear the woosh

One change in how they reuse old marketing items I would like to see, and it’s a minor thing but still, is that when they offer these “unique” items they should disclaimer them by adding: “Unique item may be used in future promotions”

i don’t think your comment even had a point that could make a woosh in the first place, guy

i dont know if its a chain-wide thing, but our local red lobster has a ridiculously good chocolate cake. it’s so rich, and the outside of it is covered in a layer of small chocolate chips, so its got a nice crunch texture to it. i absolutely love that cake

I can hear the conceit.

That would undermine the point of employing fear of missing out tactics.

I think they do that with collectors edition stuff, but I could be wrong. But I do agree with you.

My town’s was a victim of COVID, sadly.

(not that I ever went there before that :zipper_mouth_face:)

So once upon a time, I bought this really expensive piece of ruby glass. The company wasn’t making it anymore. Had it on display in a curio for about a decade. Then the company decided to celebrate an anniversary and recreated that same piece again. Gave it away as an anniversary celebration. Lots of people have it now.

And then there was the limited edition Princess Diana vase that was bought for me that was really expensive. Now they’re all over eBay for $20.

Y’all really need to get some perspective about your pixels.

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Right, but they cater now to mount collectors and xmog collectors. They KNOW some people are going to participate in the marketing event just for the particular item. And there is NOTHING wrong with someone wanting an exclusive item that few others have. But if they are going to market for profit items to these people, they should disclaimer them.

red lobster is pretty overpriced anyway, but i’d go there specifically for a piece of that cake and nothing else lol

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If they have it already they’re going to get 4 hours that they don’t need a stream playing on mute in the background.

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bruh, if owning a rare or exclusive mount is what ‘makes the game worth playing’ to you… you probably need a better hobby.

as for the ‘reward’ you got for getting the mount 12 years ago… well… you got 12 years out of enjoyment from the mounts exclusivity and rarity, something that the people getting it now -won’t- be getting, because it will no longer be nearly as rare or exclusive.

I have the warlords deathwheel bike, and its one of my favorite mounts. and its still my primary ground mount. especially as its been getting more and more rare over the past decade. if for whatever reason they were to re-release it though, i wouldn’t be getting upset and demanding I get an ultra special ‘warlords ultradeathwheel of ultimate death, now with 20% more spikes!’ as compensation… my ‘compensation’ was getting to enjoy the mount for the past 9 years. now other people get to enjoy it as well, great for them.

anyone remember the special, limited edition princess diana beanie baby that would be worth millions one day?

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That’s your opinion and you are entitled to it. Why is it so difficult to allow others to have contrary opinions? Seriously. You’ve stated your disagreement. No one here has to change their minds and agree with it.


This is a takeaway, as those that miss the Twitch drop will not have it and as more players (re)join the game these mounts will start to become more rare. My brother rejoined last expansion during Battle for Azeroth after leaving in Cataclysm, and I have plenty of mounts that, at the time, were everywhere but he can no longer get.

There is a key fundamental difference. The idea behind TCG was that there were a finite number of them to being with. They were meant to be rare and were meant to be available for a limited time in a limited supply. That was the whole point.

My point is they’re turning the item into something it was never meant to be; widely accessible.

You mean that one that’s like $5 the last time I checked? The bear with angel wings?

Where did I say they couldn’t have an opinion? Please show me that.