I'm done with Alliance story

Can we just talk about how writing in BfA was the Season 8 of GoT before Season 8 of GoT?


That’s a bunch of nonsense. What revenge?


Oh great, another person who has to complain about GoT. Omg my Dany doesn’t go the way I want her to even though the writing was on the wall for 7 previous seasons.


Just done with this. They not only ruined a faction’s writing but ruined my favorite character. The actual Tyrande, before all this, in the books Tyrande, would have wanted full revenge, not stop

‘let’s kick George RR Martin off the writing team so we can make a terrible heap of donkey doo that pisses everyone off and breaks all continuity with the story’s past because SHOCK AND AWE is all we can do in our narrow minded approach to writing’ gets hired by Disney to work on star wars LAWL

Tell me about it.
I bookmarked this post for this exact occasion.

Practice what you preach, Luuney.


At this point I feel like we need a thread for people that are actually ok with the Alliance’s storyline. I’m so fatigued from hearing all the whining… meanwhile the Alliance objectively gets both the spotlight and the moral high ground in the overarching narrative while the Horde gets a rehashed rebellion plotline enabled only because its racial leaders are acting like idiots.

Were I to pity a faction, it would be the Horde, not the Alliance. Hence I play Alliance.

I’m not sure you know what you’re talking about. Tyrande hasn’t been Tyrande for years before BFA. She’s been passive since Vanilla while the Horde literally carved their sigil into Azshara. If anything, BFA is the most she’s been active in the war against the Horde in years.

Yes, she’s great in the books, but that’s never carried over into the games.

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Ah boy… was Billy Bush here too?

I meant in actual life. You can be critical on games.

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I guess killing a Val’kyr is somehow “revenge” for burning down your home and the majority of your people. Maybe if Tyrande had killed all but one Val’kyr this would make sense.


Should make another QQ thread about it. 2 doesnt seem like enough


Like how Horde players wrote PHD thesis papers every 2 seconds about warmode.

Move on pal.

Dont Worry Green Jesus will save us all. I’ll be the first time in history that a faction gets to play Cowards, Aggressors, Traitors, and Saviors in one story line. Then we can rename the game World Of Hordecraft and lose another mil in subs and bring the game closer to death.


I don’t care anymore. I’ve lost my faction pride


were those the same ones where alliance were crying because they didnt get free heroic loot for camping FPs?

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Says a hordie posting on an Alliance toon. Funny you say this because the Alliance have every right to be upset throughout WoW. You might think it is simple to just “switch sides” but when you put years into a faction, you don’t just switch unless you don’t care.

Another funny thing is the Horde ALWAYS cry whenever the Alliance get something better and then it gets nerfed to the ground or fixed. Look at the Bee mount. Horde cried because it was finally unique for the Alliance and not a horse and now it sounds like they will not be mounts for Alliance only.


Chin up buttercup! :sunflower:

Not everyone is POd. Quite the contrary once you get past the blowhards who only spew toxicity about everything on the internet.

Nope. It was Horde when they got roflstomped less than one week after Alliance turned on warmode.

Try again


Did we really need another thread about this topic or are the alliance only players going to keep on acting like children making thread after thread whining that some one made a thread whining about a stupid game cinematic and it would only be fair if they got to make their own thread to whine about said cinematic.

Come on people this is an old game and most of us are adults playing it. Do you people act like this at your jobs and if so how do you still have a job.

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