I'm done. Untuned, Untested Garbage

Play m dawnbraker, you will hate your life


But really, m is way overtuned. I went though around 4-5 tanks and healers on Ara-Kara today. 4+ deaths on first boss and about 6 on last. Only did last due to blood dk being op and soloing the last 20% or so

Only boss to give my group any real trouble was last of Ara-Kara, and that was only until we figured out that you can CC the root adds to break the root.

Everything else wasn’t that difficult.

Why coherently craft a feedback when they can baselessly complain?

There are problems you need to be specific though. This post does not do that in any way shape or form. Tuning felt ok, bugs did not. Being unable to clear everything in one day for everyone is actually ok.

Same here. when we knew about the root it went better. Still didnt help people didnt put the blood pools in the correct spots…

But hay, its week 1 of m. It will take a bit get people to gear up and learn the merchanics that we used to faceroll

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Can I have your gold?

Let me guess, just did Siege of Boralus? If so, I’ve got some news for you: It’s always been like that. The place just sucks. I have no idea why Blizzard thought making it one of the M+ dungeons this season was a good idea. It’s honestly the worst dungeon they’ve ever made. Everyone thinks they can skip packs and they always pull and wipe the group. One shot mechanics everywhere. Patrols. Packs next to each other with knockback abilities which send you flying into other packs. Or abilities you need to dodge which make you pull the pack you hadn’t seen. Fall in the water? Dead. Oh, but this guy has this jank strategy where you jump in the water and you just keep jumping out of it until you reach a ledge and walk around and you can skip a bunch of the dungeon, just need to die like 15 times trying to do it. And then you get to the final boss and someone ragequits because you just wiped 13 times on it.

And people wonder why BfA hurt WoW sub numbers so much.

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That’s really all it is this season. Do the mechanics and you live, fail them and you die.

Which is good.


And this is the fixed version of siege of boralus. The original was even worse.

what are you talking about ?

It’s still pretty bad. You think it was way worse because you’ve done it on M+. Wait until next week and you have to do this garbage with even stronger mobs and bosses and affixes.

Some merchanics are a bit bs, hard to see or fire off so fast its hard to dodge

But as you said, thats kind of normal. Still doesn’t meen we cant “complain” about it, lol

Well. The reality check is in full effect. I myself am enjoying the fallout. I can imagine a lot of overconfident tanks pulling half a heroic dungeon are having a particularly rough time.

Let the strong survive. Mythic level dungeons are there for exceptional players. Not players who quit when it gets tough.


The Ashvane spotter BS is gone, 2nd boss only goes up to the boat twice (was on a timer, so she went up more on higher keys), last boss no longer spawns additional demolished tentacles.

Those are the fixes. Almost everything else that’s bad is basically unchanged.

I love that Dark Legacy Comics mocked that behavior this week.

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I did Grim batol M0 last night and it was brutal. The trash were insane, and the last boss was too much. I also did tier 3 delve at ilvl 515 and did just fine but at ilvl 573 tier 4 was challenging. The jump makes no sense.

I was able to solo tier 8 Waxface on my 585 resto druid but I did have to use a lot of heals and maybe a defensive each time burn away happened, it killed me really fast the first time cause I wasn’t ready for it.

You didn’t have to go any further than “play a healer”
Quit that at the end of SL never looked back.

this sounds like a case of mad cuz bad, but maybe their words have merit? what exactly did the OP find hard? It could just be ignorance on how to do stuff. like I could see guys going into mythic 0s (which are tuned to be equal to mythic 10s of yore) and pulling like its heroic and dying, but that’s more a personal choice to make things harder.

me and my buddies in full 580 (upgraded explorer greens) steamrolled like all the mythic zeros. no deaths, no wipes (grim batol was spicy). rather than pull like it was MDI and money was on the line, we just single pulled quickly.

then we went and did raid. the raid was easier than the mythics.

so what exactly is the problem?

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Get some gear first if you cannot currently do it. its okay to not have everything done day 1.

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You have almost 42k achievement points. You’re not done. Get back on the game soldier

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